werediggle plague bug

Discussion in 'Bugs' started by blob, Dec 15, 2011.

  1. blob

    blob Member

    It seems the diggle plague skill is cumulative. Monsters will get damage for each plague spells you ve cast on them, dealing really high damage over time for a spell that costs no mana at all. Also, when monsters lose the " diggle plague" icon in their tooltip they will still take damage again for several turns once in a while. You can easily entirely take down named monsters with no efforts using only this ( at least on early levels).
  2. KamiKazeKenji

    KamiKazeKenji Member

    I've taken entire Monster Zoos alone on GR at times with the Plauge. I don't know if it's intentional or not, but it's broken, as awesome as it is. I also noticed that the seventh skill in the Werediggle tree (Arch-Diggle Smash) only needs seven turns to cool down despite the description saying it needs a lot.

    Honestly though, I think it's awesome and since it's a paid DLC, it should be kept as is. When you think about it, you can only use the Diggle skills in Diggle form, and after it fades, you have to wait 17 turns.
  3. blob

    blob Member

    17 turns is nothing really. Right now werediggle feels way overpowered to me, the first levels on Rogue are much easier than with any other skills I've tried. Dunno about the later skills, didnt get far enough yet.
  4. KamiKazeKenji

    KamiKazeKenji Member

    Yeah, 17 turns is not much when you're milling around an already-explored floor, but a new one? 17 turns is a LOT when you're surrounded or when you've kicked the door in on a bunch of mobs (i.e. Monster Zoo). Think Djinn Fizz.

    EDIT: Not that I kick doors in when my Werediggle form is almost out (I never do). Also, it would take more than 40 turns to take out an average sized Monster Zoo. Just saying. But then again, I've ravaged entire Monster Zoos easily with Werediggle, so yeah it's op.