I remember this being in the game a while back. What happened to it? I've been churning out cots for barracks like crazy and they never get claimed. Am I going mad?
After taking a look at the "Practical Single Bed" recipe (2 cloth, 3 planks) as opposed to the cot (1 cloth, 1 plank), I shall endeavor to outfit my buildings with these. Currently though, while Middle Class people are happier sleeping gin a practical single bed as opposed to a cot, the building type (Middle class house vs bunkhouse or even workshops etc) doesn't seem to matter. By the time I start making a second bunkhouse it shouldn't be too bad to make the middle-class beds even if they will also be grabbed by low class. It does mean replacing the first bunkhouse (or at least the cots) though, to prevent overseers from grabbing a cot. Also, I noticed there are fancier doors, besides the 1log door, there's also 1plank and 2 plank doors. I shall get fancy~~