I played a little Dredmor six months ago and did a few characters, none of whom made it all that far because I got sick and tired of dealing with the piles of stuff I was having to mess with and shuffle around. Unless you go with zero crafting abilities and no bows (removing much of the content of the game), the inventory is a continual pain in the rear. Seeing as everybody agreed- reviewers, forum posters, etc - that the inventory system desperately needed fixing, and seeing how frequent and substantial the patches were, and hearing rumors that a fix for the inventory was underway, I figured I'd just leave the game be for a while until you'd fixed it. Hearing about the release of the new DLC I decided to try Dredmor again and was surprised to see that *nothing at all* has been done about the inventory situation. Don't get me wrong- some moderate inventory limitations are fine and can be part of the challenge of the game. But having dozens and dozens of functionally identical yet distinct items which take up reams of inventory space does not mesh well with having a teeny tiny inventory. Nor does having a crafting system with scores of needed ingredients. You may be putting effort into item attributes, design and balance, but since five identical bolts take one slot but five almost-functionally-identical-but-differently-named bolts take five spots, the only item attribute which really ends up mattering is "does it stack with something already in my inventory?" That's not a challenge, that's just obnoxious and illogical. Something has to give. When you get the inventory fixed, it will be a much bigger deal for enjoyable gameplay than all the patches and DLC since Dredmor's initial release *combined*. When that happens, rather than just burying the fix in a changelog, let the world know that Dredmor has been reborn. In that happy future day, everybody who's ever tried Dredmor and given up on it should try it again and see whether they then find a game worth enjoying and recommending to others. Until then, peace.
http://community.gaslampgames.com/threads/crafters-helper-beta.3396/ This will let you play without much frustration until the devs have tackled the problem.
I actually never used crafting much, when I recently tried a Rogue Scientist build using crossbows and wands and such. It was really quite fun! And then I run into this issue, my inventory is almost always full. It's maddening, and frankly I'm deterred from playing that save. But, I'm glad to hear the problem is being worked on.
THE ANNOUNCEMENT IS COME! http://www.gaslampgames.com/2012/06/19/dungeons-of-dredmor-conquest-of-the-wizardlands Now HURRY UP AND WAIT!