XML Suggestions

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by J-Factor, Oct 18, 2011.

  1. J-Factor

    J-Factor Member

    This thread is for suggestions on how to improve the game's XML format to fix some problems and give more freedom to developers.

    Random Damage/Resistance types
    The Toque of Kanada provides 6 resistance to Hyperborean damage:
    <resistbuff hyperborean="6"/>
    I'd like to be able to define a 'random' type, which would be randomly picked when the item is generated. Example: A ring of resistance that gives you +3 resistance to a random type.
    <resistbuff random="3"/>
    This would make the 'exotic damage' dungeon levels easier to manage for melee players.

    Scaling Factor
    All spells scale according to magic power. This includes procs (such as Assassination), non-magic abilities, items, wands and traps. The devs are aware of this as far as I know and are working to fix it.

    Instead of hard coding the 'scaling factor' that is used I'd like to be able to specify it on a tag-by-tag basis. Example: Et Tu? (the final Assassination proc) deals high scaling piercing damage:

    <effect type="damage" piercing="3" piercingF="0.5" bleed="1" />
    If a 'factor' attribute was added that specified a secondary attribute id (similar to the way secondarybuff tags work) it would be possible to set the scaling factor for this individual bit of damage:

    <effect type="damage" piercing="3" piercingF="0.5" factor="4" bleed="1" /> // 4 = Crit Chance
    This would make Et Tu?'s damage scale according to your critical chance.
  2. dbaumgart

    dbaumgart Art Director Staff Member

    Those are great ideas, particularly the elegant designation of stat to scale to. I'd want to add some way to designate either a primary or secondary stat number somehow too.

    I'll harass the coders.
  3. Null

    Null Will Mod for Digglebucks

    Whenever and if ever you do see this and the programmers do modify the scaling, (and I really don't want to hijack the thread but it pertains), can you fix the scaling for healing and maybe add scaling to a few other things like knockback or buffs (and btw a lot of things relating to knockback don't work at the moment anyway).
  4. Essence

    Essence Will Mod for Digglebucks

    Mostly I'm just bumping this because I'm really really really in favor of the factor="X" idea and I'm wondering if this has a decent chance of ever becoming a reality. :)