...but there's a catch: the activation method won't be the same. You'll need a lever and it won't have that nifty "Do you wish to pray at the altar" confirm box. I can confirm, however, that the following works. rooms.xml Code: <room width="11" height="12" name="Small Shrine To The Diggle God Of Mediocrity" > <row text="###########"/> <row text="###########"/> <row text="#...213...#"/> <row text="d....4....d"/> <row text="#.........#"/> <row text="###D###D###"/> <flags minLevel="1" maxLevel="5" noblockers="1" notraps="1" notreasure="1" nomonsters="1" digglegod="1" special="1" /> <!-- digglegod="1" is important here. Probably don't need both it and special="1", but core diggle god chambers have both, so play it safe. --> <customengraving name="Floor Candles" at="3" pngSprite="dungeon/candles_floor_nw/candles_floor_nw" pngFirst="0" pngNum="3" pngRate="150" passable="1" pngAnimate="1" description="The flames of these candles writhe tentacularly in the damp air." /> <customengraving name="Floor Candles" at="2" pngSprite="dungeon/candles_floor_ne/candles_floor_ne" pngFirst="0" pngNum="3" pngRate="150" passable="1" pngAnimate="1" description="The flames of these candles struggle against the dampness." /> <customblocker name="Sconce" x="3" y="1" pngSprite="dungeon/wall_sconceA/wall_sconceA" pngFirst="0" pngNum="3" pngRate="110" passable="0" pngAnimate="1" description="The flames burn with rage." can_push="0" /> <customblocker name="Sconce" x="7" y="1" pngSprite="dungeon/wall_sconceA/wall_sconceA" pngFirst="0" pngNum="3" pngRate="110" passable="0" pngAnimate="1" description="The flames burn with rage." can_push="0" /> <customblocker name="Statue of the Diggle God of Mediocrity" at="1" png="sprites/diggle_god_mediocrity.png" passable="0" description="The Diggle God of Mediocrity looks askance at you." can_push="0" id="statue" /> <element type="lever" id="lever0" at="4" /> <script repeat="-1"> <condition condition_type="activated_changed" activated="1" id="lever0" /> <action on="success" action_type="spell" casts="Diggle God of Mediocrity Blessing" /> </script> </room> spellDB.xml Code: <spell name="Diggle God of Mediocrity Blessing" type="self"> <anim sprite="sprites/sfx/rage/rage" frames="3" framerate="50" sfx="large_hit" /> <buff useTimer="0" stacksize="1" icon="skills/diglet64.png" smallicon="skills/diglet32.png" digglegod="1"> <!-- digglegod="1" is important here --> <secondarybuff id="0" amount="5"/> <secondarybuff id="1" amount="5"/> </buff> <description text="The Diggle God of Mediocrity feebly asks for dirt? Or something? To dig, possibly?" /> <ai hint="buff"/> </spell> Mod away, moddeteers.
No, just add a digglegod tag to spellDB.xml and it will be fine and you can spawn it as a normal Diggle God. <digglegod name="Diggle God of Death" description="Dark and skeletal, the Diggle God of Death relaxes in his? stylish coffin." art="dungeon/diggle_god_death.png" spell="Diggle God of Death Blessing"/>
Still, both of these can be used - the one Fax proposed is the one we can use for any "special" buff, even if it's not one of the "god" buffs. But thank you for the comment, Nicholas.
I had tried to mention this before I just didn't explain it very well but I know I mentioned once that the diggle gods were in the spellDB.
Me either. I had tried to make a "Diggle God of Foreshadowing" a couple months ago, and gave up when I couldn't find anywhere in the room files that connected the shrine to the spell. I'd assumed it was hardcoded, and gave up on it.