Zenzizenzizenzic Mana Cost

Discussion in 'Bugs' started by vacantVisionary, Jun 19, 2012.

  1. My savvy is at 61, and Zenzizenzizenzic's mana cost has been reduced to 0. I'm really worried about buffing my savvy any higher and dropping the cost to a negative. I'm guessing this isn't intentional?
  2. OmniaNigrum

    OmniaNigrum Member

    The cost has a minimum it can reach. And you need not worry about it going negative. It uses a 4 byte integer to store the value. You would need a hundred million times the possible maximum you can really achieve to make it go negative.
  3. Uh. Evidently it doesn't have that minimum, since it was costing me 0.
    ((And yeah, after eating three Azure Mob-Bonnets and boosting my savvy to 76, the cost remained zero.))
  4. OmniaNigrum

    OmniaNigrum Member

    You are right that it lacks the minimum. But in cases like this, the game defaults to a minimum of zero.

    <spell name="Zenzizenzizenzic" type="self" icon="skills/spells/zenziz32.png" wand="0">
        <requirements mp="40" savvyBonus="0.7" />
        <anim sprite="sprites/sfx/evil_pact/evil_pact" frames="16" sfx="zenziz" framerate="80" centerEffect="1"/>
        <buff useTimer="1" removable="1" time="42" manaUpkeep="5" stacksize="3" icon="skills/spells/zenziz64.png" smallicon="skills/spells/zenziz32.png">
            <primarybuff id="1" amount="2"/> <!-- Sagacity -->
            <secondarybuff id="3" amount="3"/> <!-- Magic Power -->
            <secondarybuff id="14" amount="1"/> <!-- mp regen -->
        <description text="The enhancement of one's own magical power is simply a function of correctly applying magical power. This effect can be combined with itself only three times, though we have top men working on breaking the fourth wall. It runs out after a time and drains your mana slightly." />
    Changing it to something more like this would make more sense, but it may be the way it is intentionally.
        <requirements mp="40" savvyBonus="0.7" mincost="10"/>
  5. FaxCelestis

    FaxCelestis Will Mod for Digglebucks

    <spell name="Zenzizenzizenzic" type="self" icon="skills/spells/zenziz32.png" wand="0">
        <requirements mp="40" savvyBonus="0.7" />
        <anim sprite="sprites/sfx/evil_pact/evil_pact" frames="16" sfx="zenziz" framerate="80" centerEffect="1"/>
        <buff useTimer="1" removable="1" time="42" manaUpkeep="5" stacksize="3" icon="skills/spells/zenziz64.png" smallicon="skills/spells/zenziz32.png">
            <primarybuff id="1" amount="2"/> <!-- Sagacity -->
            <secondarybuff id="3" amount="3"/> <!-- Magic Power -->
            <secondarybuff id="14" amount="1"/> <!-- mp regen -->
        <description text="The enhancement of one's own magical power is simply a function of correctly applying magical power. This effect can be combined with itself only three times, though we have top men working on breaking the fourth wall. It runs out after a time and drains your mana slightly." />
    Yup, Zenzizenzizenzic appears to be missing the mincost= flag in the <requirements /> tag. However, if your savvy was 76 and it was at 0, that means the game automatically floors spell costs at 0. So, there's a bug, but not as bad as you were thinking it might be.
  6. Ruigi

    Ruigi Will Mod for Digglebucks

    maybe it's not a bug at all, maybe it's a feature.
  7. mining

    mining Member

    I agree, its always seemed like a feature to me that you can keep it up for minimal investment.