Two quick questions: First, is it possible to have a zero-turn cooldown? And if not, is it possible to have spells that can be used every turn without breaking triggeroncasts (cough wild magic cough)? Second, do destroyonmove buffs work on monsters? (IE, could you give a monster a debuff that lasts until it moves?) If not, I think I have an idea for an alternative involving 1-turn duration spellmines, but when in the turn, exactly, do spellmines "go off"?
First, half the spells in the game have zero cooldown. They have a number of a resource used in most cases, but it is fully possible for it to be cast every turn and cost 0 man/health/zorkmids to do so. For the second, you will have to wait on someone who knows more than I to answer.
Yes, and No. Yes insofar as if you have a <spell> that doesn't have a <downtime> argument or a <requirements> line, it will naturally show up as a "0" spell. Not breaking triggeroncasts, however...that's difficult. Your best bet might be to have 2 identical skills each with a 1-turn cooldown. No insofar as destroyonmove simply fails to work on monsters. If you want a monster to have a buff that goes away when it moves, you have to buff it and then surround it with spellmines who's effect is to remove the buff (and the other spellmines) when stepped on.
Or you could give the buff a Dot effect which would apply the buff-removing effect in a template ("09") with a one-turn delay. It would be sort of more elegant that way. And going even further, you could put a buff on the monster which would be required for a Dot effect, with said Dot effect triggering a dummy spell with a template ("09") which would then trigger a spell with "targetemptyfloor" targeting, which would then apply the buff-removing effect (for the main buff) after a delay of one turn. That would be really kosher, actually.
Yet another thread that Kazeto enters, makes a post, and leaves, resolving a challenging issue. You see, the impressive thing isn't that Kazeto resolved the issue. The impressive thing is that everyone understands the resolution.