Dear DoD, I picked you up on a whim in late October of '11 as a birthday present for myself, and you drew me into an intense obsession that lasted...
Tinkering also has the best Axe in the game. How do you get endless steel? Did they implement a chalk recipe?
Fair enough- I have had quite a few close calls, but I have a pretty big stack of health pots. I'll concede that when 'stuff happens', Vamp isn't...
Yeah, I can't see how that would be necessary. Diablo wasn't turn based, and you used the same click to move as you did to attack, so having a way...
That's the trick, and the catch 22: In order for Vampirism to be effective, you have to have high magic power. In order to leech for more than...
After trying various takes on the straight melee theme, I arrived at this build: The Essentials: -Vampirism: I..just NEED IT OKAY?! >.> -Staves:...
4: Totally agree. It is a bit silly that the penalty for using a weapon you aren't skilled in is so trifling that if you find a really good...
I tried Fungal Arts, then remembered why I hated it. I tried Alchemy, but was reminded early on that I would be having to split my scant...
That's another frustrating thing about the system is that sometimes part the base materials are actual cruddy weapons and armor you find lying...
Damn but keeping a Thaumite-spawning xbow is playing it fast and loose, especially on gr/pm, but holy sweet jeezus onna pogo stick, what an...
Only problem I'm consistently running into with a maces/dual/burglar/smith/arch/zerker/assassin build is keeping my health up beating zoos to...
If an item has more net negative enchantments than positive. Doesn't happen very often, and the amount of money he takes isn't a lot.
So from the looks of things, a lot of the traps in Dredmor's Dungeon that scale directly with Eyebrows's magic power. Spooky. In order for your...
Happens to me quite frequently, makes you feel like the game is stuttering and you hear (whackwhackwhackwhack) coming from somewhere. For that...
Separate names with a comma.