Steam overlay has never worked with the game, except, I think, if you put in a command line thing (-opengl ?).
I was attacked by walking adjacent to a monster that was listed as "not notic[ing] [my] presence". I believe, a little earlier in the level, I...
Unless the misspelling is intentional, it should be "Bonsai Bomb", not "Bonzai Bomb". Much like the new bolts, the new throwing weapons aren't...
I blocked an attack from a Fish Paladin. The combat log said it hit me for 10 Righteous damage, the floating damage text said 5. One assumes the...
In the "two levers and two gated subrooms" room on Floor 1, the right wall of the left subroom and vice versa is jutting out one square too far...
I stepped through a Mysterious Portal and spawned inside a Stone Coffin. I was able to step out of the coffin's space normally, however. [EDIT]...
When I started up a new game, it did the usual "You have discovered [room name]!" before the "Welcome to Dungeons of Dredmor!". However, when I...
Been around for a while, but, in somewhat the same vein as the possible "spell animation gets you time to move" exploit/bug, there seems to be a...
When you use the hotkey (Alt+# by default) to open a crafting tool menu, the game says in the chatbox "You take out the [insert name of tool]"....
The Helm of Threepwood is doing the old "Krong an item and get 'blessed' with no enchantment on it at all and the name doesn't change" thing....
The new crafting interface looks promising, but will there be an option to only show the recipes that you have all the materials for? And I notice...
After the first major patch (in which saved characters broke horribly and there was much ado), they set up a system whereby characters from...
Not something unique to the expansion, but, when you click on a bookshelf and it decides not to give you a recipe, you always get the "You find...
(Starting a new post because it's been almost a week since the last one.) This has been around since forever, but is it really intended that, if...
Grabbed the fixed .exe, and the game didn't crash while I was playing it (found an artifact, killed a monster; Krong'd said artifact, killed a...
Separate names with a comma.