Hey everybody. As of the end of last month, I no longer work at Gaslamp, but I wanted to give my personal regards to all of you. Sorry for being...
Is this in the experimental version?
Sorry for the late reply - try running the game with -nomaxmode in the launch options. It should give you more options.
Hi, is this in experimental 1.0d?
Is this in 1.0D?
We got it, our bugtracker didn't attach properly. Thanks!
Thanks, we'll check this out. OC-5927
We have a new experimental out but can you let me know if that happens again?
OC-5926, we'll take care of it. Thanks!
Thanks for the report! Filed it, will be fixed.
Filed as OC-5924, thanks for the report!
This is something we want to address, yes.
Definitely one of the things we've been meaning to add in at some point!
For some reason your post got caught in our automated spam filter, apologies! Any posts from now should be fine, I think.
Separate names with a comma.