If you're looking for a good resource to feed a random generator for land or location names, a nice place to start might be to look at the...
The perfect beverage for christening your new steam-powered cabbage boat.
http://winemaking.jackkeller.net/reques59.asp Produces a dry, tannin forward wine with aromas of sandalwood, black cherry and toasted fishperson.
From a RockPaperShotgun preview of Maia, an upcoming Dwarf Fortress style game set on a extra-terrestrial colony: At the moment, there are...
http://io9.com/how-todays-illegal-drugs-were-marketed-as-medicines-510258499 And these days you have to show 5 forms of government ID just to...
I was reading a review of this book "Holy Bones, Holy Dust", a history of early Christian "relic cults". A brief description: "Relics affected...
Based on the details you've released, it seems that one of the things that you want to create in CE is a sense of ongoing history, in which...
Separate names with a comma.