I also wish for this. I wish they would have kept up the patching at least.
Starsector is awesome :)
Thanks for that info :)
How do you get these cards? Do you buy them? Or do you earn them through playing? Are they just for fun and collecting? Etc, etc...
Progress :)
This patch was announced in September last year. I bet it's going to be huge taking this much time, eh folks?
That name is pretty creative, too. Wherever did he get the idea?
I've been a fan of Lovecraft since I was a little kid and I first played the original Alone in the Dark on my 386/16mhz Packard Bell. I went...
I really enjoyed that interview. I hope we get more Clockwork Empires stuff in the near future. (and MOAR DREDMOR!!!)
Crude Knife still shows up twice on the crafting list
Steal everything!!!
This is confirmed as a bug, could you please add it to the list? It was in a change log before when it was fixed, but perhaps after Wizardlands,...
Separate names with a comma.