Visual Spell Templates and Other Quick References

Discussion in 'Modding' started by Rarefied Horse Meat, Jan 27, 2012.

  1. Just putting this on the forums so I can take it out of my sig. Nothing new to see here.

    I am not the mad wizard who discovered this info; that was Null. I just made it pretty.

    Let me know if you're color blind and any of the colors are hard/impossible to see.


  2. Essence

    Essence Will Mod for Digglebucks

    random stuff from around the boards (credit mostly to Null):

    The list of triggers you can put in a skill are the following for your ease of use:
    triggerondodge (in skills only)
    dodgeBuff (works anywhere)

    Bolded triggers work inside of <buff> tags; others don't.

    Note on triggers succesfully passing targeting information on to the triggered spell/skill:
    targetKillBuff does (but since the target is dead, the triggered spell should probably be a targetCorpse type)
    playerHitEffectBuff does (the attacker is targeted)
    triggerondodge does (attacker is targeted)
    triggeroncast does

    This also applies to whether they use percent (triggeron) or percentage (Buff) in the XML.
    Also only targetHitEffectBuff and playerHitEffectBuff are implemented inside buffs, though as of 1.0.10 all of the XBuff abilities and triggerons should work inside buff tags.

    The list of spell effects you can put in a spell:

    The list of spell types:
    targetadjacentcorpse (<-- those of you who tried to use 'adjacentcorpse' and failed, here's why!)
    fireball (uses radius="X" to determine how many square out from target it goes.)
    area (uses radius="X" to determine how many square out from player it goes.)
    cone (as Area, but only applies to a 90-degree arc in the direction clicked.)

    The list of Damage Types: (* indicates a Basic type affected by Armor Absorb.)
    :dmg_acidic: Acidic :resist_acidic:
    :dmg_aethereal: Aethereal :resist_aethereal:
    :dmg_aphyxiative: Asphyxiative :resist_aphyxiative:
    :dmg_blast: Blasting* :resist_blast:
    :dmg_conflagratory: Conflagratory :resist_conflagratory:
    :dmg_crushing: Crushing* :resist_crushing:
    :dmg_existential: Existential :resist_existential:
    :dmg_hyperborean: Hyperborean :resist_hyperborean:
    :dmg_necromatic: Necromantic :resist_nercomatic:
    :dmg_piercing: Piercing :resist_piercing:
    :dmg_putrefying: Putrefying :resist_putrefying:
    :dmg_righteous: Righteous :resist_righteous:
    :dmg_slashing: Slashing* :resist_slashing:
    :dmg_toxic: Toxic :resist_toxic:
    :dmg_transmutative: Transmutative :resist_transmutative:
    :dam_voltaic: Voltaic :resist_voltaic:
  3. J-Factor

    J-Factor Member

    Off the top of my head:
    • mine: Whether or not the spell is a mine.
    • mineTimer: How long the mine lasts.
    • mineUseGlints: Whether or not the mine uses 'glints' - basically drawing the mine's sprite many times in a dense pattern. This is how poison clouds are drawn - their sprite is single tiny skull cloud that is drawn many times.
    • mineGlintDensity: How dense the 'glint' pattern is. Presumably # of sprites per tile.
    • mineSpritePNGSeries: The mine's sprite. Look at the other mine sprites to figure out the filename format.
    • mineSpritePNGNum: How many PNGs the sprite consists of.
    • mineSpritePNGRate: Animation speed for the sprite. I think it's how many milliseconds each frame lasts.
    • mineSpriteDrawOrder: Whether or not to draw the mine's sprite in order or randomly.
    • minesMustBeUnobstructed: Whether or not each tile of the mine should only be created if it's not on top of a wall. (I think)
    • mineRadius: Radius of the mine (in # of tiles). Includes the center tile.
    • minePermanent: Whether or not the mine is not consumed when something walks into it (e.g. healing crystals)
    Bohandas and Dashen like this.
  4. Essence

    Essence Will Mod for Digglebucks

  5. Essence

    Essence Will Mod for Digglebucks

    1.0.10 Syntax:


    <skill name="Big Game Hunter" skillname="Big Game Hunter" type="warrior" achievement="ACHIEVEMENT_BIG_GAME_HUNTER_MASTERY" description="The hunt is on.">
    <art icon="skills/hunter64.png"/>

    <ability name="Big Game Hunter" icon="skills/hunter64.png" skillname="Big Game Hunter" startSkill="1">
    <description text="The hunt is on."/>


    <effect type="damage" piercing="3" piercingF="0.5" secondaryScale="4" bleed="1" /> <!-- 4 = Crit -->
    <effect type="damage" piercing="3" piercingF="0.5" primaryScale="0" /> <!-- 0 == burliness I think -->

    <!-- next time, Gadget. Next time...

    <resistbuff random="2"/> <!-- grants 2 random resistances to something, of the same category -->
    <damagebuff random="2"/> <!-- grants 2 random damages to something, of the same category -->


    any of:
    weapon, armour, wand, gem, mushroom, potion, food, booze, artifact, toolkit, misc


    <effect type="removebuffbyname" name="Thaumite Infestation" amount="1"/> <!-- removes one thaumite -->
    <effect type="removebuffbyname" name="Thaumite Infestation" amount="0"/> <!-- removes all thaumites -->


    <counterBuff percentage="25" name="Zalgohit1"/>
    <blockBuff percentage="25" name="Zalgohit1"/>
    <dodgeBuff percentage="25" name="Zalgohit1"/>
    <criticalBuff percentage="25" name="Zalgohit1"/>


    <boozeBuff percentage="25" name="Zalgohit1"/>
    <foodBuff percentage="25" name="Zalgohit1"/>
    <consumableBuff percentage="25" name="Zalgohit1"/> <!-- for food and booze -->


    <monster name="Diggle">
    <onDeath percentage="25" name="Infernal Torus"/>


    <monster name="Diggle">
    <drop name="Lutefisk" percent="25"/>
    <drop name="Diggle Nog" percent="35"/>

    35% of the time the monster will drop Diggle Nog. 25% of the time the monster will drop Lutefisk. 45% of the time the monster will drop nothing.


    <!-- still reads the taxa. -->

    <effect percent="100" type="spellpoints" amount="1" amountF="0.05" taxa="Animal" />

    <!-- works on all Diggles (but not Muscle Diggles, because they're actually their own element in the monster tree -->

    <effect percent="100" type="spellpoints" amount="1" amountF="0.05" taxa="Diggle" />

    <!-- works only on Sickly Diggles. -->

    <effect percent="100" type="spellpoints" amount="1" amountF="0.05" taxa="Sickly Diggle" />


    <effect type="summonhostile"/> <!-- attributes identical to summon -->

    <XYXBuff percenage="Q" name="ABC" after="1"/>

    Not 1.0.10 content, but still a very easy mistake to make:
    When crafting XML for armor, remember that in the itemDB.xml, you must spell it with an un-American 'u': <armour level="x" type="y"/>.
  6. Dinre

    Dinre Member

    If you're using Steam, it's fastest to simply add the debug flag to the launch options.
    Right-click the 'Dungeons of Dredmor' name from the list of games in your Steam library and choose 'Properties.' From there you can find 'Set Launch Options...' under the 'General' tab and enter the following line:

    Now, debugging mode will start up when you launch the game.
    badboy80 and Essence like this.
  7. FaxCelestis

    FaxCelestis Will Mod for Digglebucks

  8. Null

    Null Will Mod for Digglebucks

    More fun stuff with the secondarystats:
    If you set secondaryScale to 24, 25, or 26 it will scale off of warrior, wizard or rogue levels respectively. 27 through 29 seem to be a constant ten or eleven.
    In a buff, 24 through 29 will give Burliness, Sagacity, Nimbleness, Caddishness, Stubbornness, and Savvy in that order.

    NOTE: This exploits the current layout of the code and is not necessarily expected to work identically or at all with future updates. Use at your own risk
  9. Null

    Null Will Mod for Digglebucks

    All PrimaryBuff amounts from 6 through 11 resulted in a value of 100 each time.
  10. FaxCelestis

    FaxCelestis Will Mod for Digglebucks

    Floor Themes:
    1: Dungeon
    2: Crypt
    3: Moonbase
    4: Marble
    5: Wood/Ship
    6: Fungus
    7: Frozen
    8: Mines
    9: Volcano
    10: Pandemonium

    RotDG Floor Themes:
    11: Deep Dungeon
    12: Dojo
    13: Clockwork
    14: Underground Forest
    15: Ossuary
  11. Essence

    Essence Will Mod for Digglebucks

    The first checks for a specific buff and will activate the trigger if the buff is there.
    The second checks for a specific buff and will activate the trigger if the buff is NOT there.

    Both check the target of the effect, so if you put these triggers on a monster (or corpse?), it will trigger based on whether that monster (or corpse?) has the buff, NOT whether or not the player has the buff.

    Yes, we have logic gates in DoD. You're welcome.
    lccorp2 and Kazeto like this.
  12. Ruigi

    Ruigi Will Mod for Digglebucks

    Craft recipe and item rewards at level up
    <ability name="Thaumaturgic Tap" icon="skills/magic_tap64.png" skill="24" level="1" giveitem="Lutefisk">
    <spell name="Leyline Siphoning" />
    <description text="Using your knowledge of leylines, you can occasionally tap the aethereal realm to replenish your vital energies." />
    <ability name="Conduit" icon="skills/wizard/leylines1_64.png" skill="24" level="2" learnrecipe="Nailboard (TM) Mark II prototype">
    <description text="The magic flows effortlessly through you! Grants even more mana regeneration."/>
    <secondarybuff id="14" amount="1"/> <!-- mana regen -->
    <secondarybuff id="1" amount="3"/> <!-- mana -->
    giveitem="Lutefisk" will give the player a lutefisk when he levels the skill up to that skill level

    learnrecipe="Nailboard (TM) Mark II prototype" will grant the player this craft recipe at level up.
    Bohandas likes this.
  13. Essence

    Essence Will Mod for Digglebucks

  14. Lorrelian

    Lorrelian Member

    The Exotic Damages thread, linked because it's frikkin' hooj. Opening has info on damage dealt, compiled by myself and Shwqa, Bergstrom's posts on damage resisted is at the end of the first page and scattered through the second.
  15. FaxCelestis

    FaxCelestis Will Mod for Digglebucks

    Primary Stat Breakdowns
    :burliness:1 = :life:1 :melee_power:0.33 :block:0.16
    :nimbleness:1 = :dodge:0.5 :edr:0.33 :counter:0.16 :sneakiness:0.75
    :sagacity:1 = :mana:2 :magic_power:0.5
    :caddishness:1 = :life:1 :crit:0.5 :counter:0.16
    :savvy:1 = :haywire:0.5 :sneakiness:0.75
    :stubborness:1 = :magic_resist:0.5 :block:0.16

    Level Breakdowns
    Every Level: :life:2 :mana:2 :melee_power:0.33 :block:0.33 :dodge:0.5 :edr:0.33 :counter:0.33 :crit:0.5 :sneakiness:1.5 :magic_power:0.5 :haywire:0.5 :magic_resist:0.5
    Warrior Bonus: :life:2 :melee_power:0.33 :block:0.33 :counter:0.16 :crit:0.5 :magic_resist:0.5
    Rogue Bonus: :life:1 :dodge:0.5 :edr:0.33 :counter:0.33 :sneakiness:1.5 :crit:0.5 :haywire:0.5
    Wizard Bonus: :mana:2 :magic_power:0.5 :block:0.16 :sneakiness:1.5 :haywire:0.5 :magic_resist:0.5

    Total Warrior Level Increases:
    :burliness:2 :sagacity:1 :nimbleness:1 :caddishness:2 :savvy:1 :stubborness: 2
    :life:4 :mana:2 :melee_power:0.66 :block:0.66 :dodge:0.5 :edr:0.33 :counter:0.49 :crit:1 :sneakiness:1.5 :magic_power:0.5 :haywire:0.5 :magic_resist:1

    Total Rogue Level Increases:
    :burliness:1 :sagacity:1 :nimbleness:2 :caddishness:2 :savvy:2 :stubborness: 1
    :life:3 :mana:2 :melee_power:0.33 :block:0.33 :dodge:1 :edr:0.66 :counter:0.66 :crit:1 :sneakiness:3 :magic_power:0.5 :haywire:1 :magic_resist:0.5

    Total Wizard Level Increases:
    :burliness:1 :sagacity:2 :nimbleness:1 :caddishness:1 :savvy:2 :stubborness: 2
    :life:2 :mana:4 :melee_power:0.33 :block:0.49 :dodge:0.5 :edr:0.33 :counter:0.33 :crit:0.5 :sneakiness:3 :magic_power:1 :haywire:1 :magic_resist:1
    Bohandas, Cullen, Glazed and 3 others like this.
  16. FaxCelestis

    FaxCelestis Will Mod for Digglebucks


    LEVEL 1
    :burliness: 2
    :sagacity: 1
    :nimbleness: 1
    :caddishness: 2
    :savvy: 1
    :stubborness: 2
    :life: 4
    :mana: 2
    :melee_power: 0.66
    :block: 0.66
    :dodge: 0.5
    :edr: 0.33
    :counter: 0.49
    :crit: 1
    :sneakiness: 1.5
    :magic_power: 0.5
    :haywire: 0.5
    :magic_resist: 1

    LEVEL 2
    :burliness: 4
    :sagacity: 2
    :nimbleness: 2
    :caddishness: 4
    :savvy: 2
    :stubborness: 4
    :life: 8
    :mana: 4
    :melee_power: 1.32
    :block: 1.32
    :dodge: 1
    :edr: 0.66
    :counter: 0.98
    :crit: 2
    :sneakiness: 3
    :magic_power: 1
    :haywire: 1
    :magic_resist: 2

    LEVEL 3
    :burliness: 6
    :sagacity: 3
    :nimbleness: 3
    :caddishness: 6
    :savvy: 3
    :stubborness: 6
    :life: 12
    :mana: 6
    :melee_power: 1.98
    :block: 1.98
    :dodge: 1.5
    :edr: 0.99
    :counter: 1.47
    :crit: 3
    :sneakiness: 4.5
    :magic_power: 1.5
    :haywire: 1.5
    :magic_resist: 3

    LEVEL 4
    :burliness: 8
    :sagacity: 4
    :nimbleness: 4
    :caddishness: 8
    :savvy: 4
    :stubborness: 8
    :life: 16
    :mana: 8
    :melee_power: 2.64
    :block: 2.64
    :dodge: 2
    :edr: 1.32
    :counter: 1.96
    :crit: 4
    :sneakiness: 6
    :magic_power: 2
    :haywire: 2
    :magic_resist: 4

    LEVEL 5
    :burliness: 10
    :sagacity: 5
    :nimbleness: 5
    :caddishness: 10
    :savvy: 5
    :stubborness: 10
    :life: 20
    :mana: 10
    :melee_power: 3.3
    :block: 3.3
    :dodge: 2.5
    :edr: 1.65
    :counter: 2.45
    :crit: 5
    :sneakiness: 7.5
    :magic_power: 2.5
    :haywire: 2.5
    :magic_resist: 5

    LEVEL 6
    :burliness: 12
    :sagacity: 6
    :nimbleness: 6
    :caddishness: 12
    :savvy: 6
    :stubborness: 12
    :life: 24
    :mana: 12
    :melee_power: 3.96
    :block: 3.96
    :dodge: 3
    :edr: 1.98
    :counter: 2.94
    :crit: 6
    :sneakiness: 9
    :magic_power: 3
    :haywire: 3
    :magic_resist: 6

    LEVEL 7
    :burliness: 14
    :sagacity: 7
    :nimbleness: 7
    :caddishness: 14
    :savvy: 7
    :stubborness: 14
    :life: 28
    :mana: 14
    :melee_power: 4.62
    :block: 4.62
    :dodge: 3.5
    :edr: 2.31
    :counter: 3.43
    :crit: 7
    :sneakiness: 10.5
    :magic_power: 3.5
    :haywire: 3.5
    :magic_resist: 7

    LEVEL 8
    :burliness: 16
    :sagacity: 8
    :nimbleness: 8
    :caddishness: 16
    :savvy: 8
    :stubborness: 16
    :life: 32
    :mana: 16
    :melee_power: 5.28
    :block: 5.28
    :dodge: 4
    :edr: 2.64
    :counter: 3.92
    :crit: 8
    :sneakiness: 12
    :magic_power: 4
    :haywire: 4
    :magic_resist: 8

    LEVEL 9
    :burliness: 18
    :sagacity: 9
    :nimbleness: 9
    :caddishness: 18
    :savvy: 9
    :stubborness: 18
    :life: 36
    :mana: 18
    :melee_power: 5.94
    :block: 5.94
    :dodge: 4.5
    :edr: 2.97
    :counter: 4.41
    :crit: 9
    :sneakiness: 13.5
    :magic_power: 4.5
    :haywire: 4.5
    :magic_resist: 9

    LEVEL 10
    :burliness: 20
    :sagacity: 10
    :nimbleness: 10
    :caddishness: 20
    :savvy: 10
    :stubborness: 20
    :life: 40
    :mana: 20
    :melee_power: 6.6
    :block: 6.6
    :dodge: 5
    :edr: 3.3
    :counter: 4.9
    :crit: 10
    :sneakiness: 15
    :magic_power: 5
    :haywire: 5
    :magic_resist: 10

    LEVEL 11
    :burliness: 22
    :sagacity: 11
    :nimbleness: 11
    :caddishness: 22
    :savvy: 11
    :stubborness: 22
    :life: 44
    :mana: 22
    :melee_power: 7.26
    :block: 7.26
    :dodge: 5.5
    :edr: 3.63
    :counter: 5.39
    :crit: 11
    :sneakiness: 16.5
    :magic_power: 5.5
    :haywire: 5.5
    :magic_resist: 11

    LEVEL 12
    :burliness: 24
    :sagacity: 12
    :nimbleness: 12
    :caddishness: 24
    :savvy: 12
    :stubborness: 24
    :life: 48
    :mana: 24
    :melee_power: 7.92
    :block: 7.92
    :dodge: 6
    :edr: 3.96
    :counter: 5.88
    :crit: 12
    :sneakiness: 18
    :magic_power: 6
    :haywire: 6
    :magic_resist: 12

    LEVEL 13
    :burliness: 26
    :sagacity: 13
    :nimbleness: 13
    :caddishness: 26
    :savvy: 13
    :stubborness: 26
    :life: 52
    :mana: 26
    :melee_power: 8.58
    :block: 8.58
    :dodge: 6.5
    :edr: 4.29
    :counter: 6.37
    :crit: 13
    :sneakiness: 19.5
    :magic_power: 6.5
    :haywire: 6.5
    :magic_resist: 13

    LEVEL 14
    :burliness: 28
    :sagacity: 14
    :nimbleness: 14
    :caddishness: 28
    :savvy: 14
    :stubborness: 28
    :life: 56
    :mana: 28
    :melee_power: 9.24
    :block: 9.24
    :dodge: 7
    :edr: 4.62
    :counter: 6.86
    :crit: 14
    :sneakiness: 21
    :magic_power: 7
    :haywire: 7
    :magic_resist: 14

    LEVEL 15
    :burliness: 30
    :sagacity: 15
    :nimbleness: 15
    :caddishness: 30
    :savvy: 15
    :stubborness: 30
    :life: 60
    :mana: 30
    :melee_power: 9.9
    :block: 9.9
    :dodge: 7.5
    :edr: 4.95
    :counter: 7.35
    :crit: 15
    :sneakiness: 22.5
    :magic_power: 7.5
    :haywire: 7.5
    :magic_resist: 15

    LEVEL 16
    :burliness: 32
    :sagacity: 16
    :nimbleness: 16
    :caddishness: 32
    :savvy: 16
    :stubborness: 32
    :life: 64
    :mana: 32
    :melee_power: 10.56
    :block: 10.56
    :dodge: 8
    :edr: 5.28
    :counter: 7.84
    :crit: 16
    :sneakiness: 24
    :magic_power: 8
    :haywire: 8
    :magic_resist: 16

    LEVEL 17
    :burliness: 34
    :sagacity: 17
    :nimbleness: 17
    :caddishness: 34
    :savvy: 17
    :stubborness: 34
    :life: 68
    :mana: 34
    :melee_power: 11.22
    :block: 11.22
    :dodge: 8.5
    :edr: 5.61
    :counter: 8.33
    :crit: 17
    :sneakiness: 25.5
    :magic_power: 8.5
    :haywire: 8.5
    :magic_resist: 17

    LEVEL 18
    :burliness: 36
    :sagacity: 18
    :nimbleness: 18
    :caddishness: 36
    :savvy: 18
    :stubborness: 36
    :life: 72
    :mana: 36
    :melee_power: 11.88
    :block: 11.88
    :dodge: 9
    :edr: 5.94
    :counter: 8.82
    :crit: 18
    :sneakiness: 27
    :magic_power: 9
    :haywire: 9
    :magic_resist: 18

    LEVEL 19
    :burliness: 38
    :sagacity: 19
    :nimbleness: 19
    :caddishness: 38
    :savvy: 19
    :stubborness: 38
    :life: 76
    :mana: 38
    :melee_power: 12.54
    :block: 12.54
    :dodge: 9.5
    :edr: 6.27
    :counter: 9.31
    :crit: 19
    :sneakiness: 28.5
    :magic_power: 9.5
    :haywire: 9.5
    :magic_resist: 19

    LEVEL 20
    :burliness: 40
    :sagacity: 20
    :nimbleness: 20
    :caddishness: 40
    :savvy: 20
    :stubborness: 40
    :life: 80
    :mana: 40
    :melee_power: 13.2
    :block: 13.2
    :dodge: 10
    :edr: 6.6
    :counter: 9.8
    :crit: 20
    :sneakiness: 30
    :magic_power: 10
    :haywire: 10
    :magic_resist: 20
    Bohandas and Kazeto like this.
  17. FaxCelestis

    FaxCelestis Will Mod for Digglebucks


    LEVEL 1
    :burliness: 1
    :sagacity: 1
    :nimbleness: 2
    :caddishness: 2
    :savvy: 2
    :stubborness: 1
    :life: 3
    :mana: 2
    :melee_power: 0.33
    :block: 0.33
    :dodge: 1
    :edr: 0.66
    :counter: 0.66
    :crit: 1
    :sneakiness: 3
    :magic_power: 0.5
    :haywire: 1
    :magic_resist: 0.5

    LEVEL 2
    :burliness: 2
    :sagacity: 2
    :nimbleness: 4
    :caddishness: 4
    :savvy: 4
    :stubborness: 2
    :life: 6
    :mana: 4
    :melee_power: 0.66
    :block: 0.66
    :dodge: 2
    :edr: 1.32
    :counter: 1.32
    :crit: 2
    :sneakiness: 6
    :magic_power: 1
    :haywire: 2
    :magic_resist: 1

    LEVEL 3
    :burliness: 3
    :sagacity: 3
    :nimbleness: 6
    :caddishness: 6
    :savvy: 6
    :stubborness: 3
    :life: 9
    :mana: 6
    :melee_power: 0.99
    :block: 0.99
    :dodge: 3
    :edr: 1.98
    :counter: 1.98
    :crit: 3
    :sneakiness: 9
    :magic_power: 1.5
    :haywire: 3
    :magic_resist: 1.5

    LEVEL 4
    :burliness: 4
    :sagacity: 4
    :nimbleness: 8
    :caddishness: 8
    :savvy: 8
    :stubborness: 4
    :life: 12
    :mana: 8
    :melee_power: 1.32
    :block: 1.32
    :dodge: 4
    :edr: 2.64
    :counter: 2.64
    :crit: 4
    :sneakiness: 12
    :magic_power: 2
    :haywire: 4
    :magic_resist: 2

    LEVEL 5
    :burliness: 5
    :sagacity: 5
    :nimbleness: 10
    :caddishness: 10
    :savvy: 10
    :stubborness: 5
    :life: 15
    :mana: 10
    :melee_power: 1.65
    :block: 1.65
    :dodge: 5
    :edr: 3.3
    :counter: 3.3
    :crit: 5
    :sneakiness: 15
    :magic_power: 2.5
    :haywire: 5
    :magic_resist: 2.5

    LEVEL 6
    :burliness: 6
    :sagacity: 6
    :nimbleness: 12
    :caddishness: 12
    :savvy: 12
    :stubborness: 6
    :life: 18
    :mana: 12
    :melee_power: 1.98
    :block: 1.98
    :dodge: 6
    :edr: 3.96
    :counter: 3.96
    :crit: 6
    :sneakiness: 18
    :magic_power: 3
    :haywire: 6
    :magic_resist: 3

    LEVEL 7
    :burliness: 7
    :sagacity: 7
    :nimbleness: 14
    :caddishness: 14
    :savvy: 14
    :stubborness: 7
    :life: 21
    :mana: 14
    :melee_power: 2.31
    :block: 2.31
    :dodge: 7
    :edr: 4.62
    :counter: 4.62
    :crit: 7
    :sneakiness: 21
    :magic_power: 3.5
    :haywire: 7
    :magic_resist: 3.5

    LEVEL 8
    :burliness: 8
    :sagacity: 8
    :nimbleness: 16
    :caddishness: 16
    :savvy: 16
    :stubborness: 8
    :life: 24
    :mana: 16
    :melee_power: 2.64
    :block: 2.64
    :dodge: 8
    :edr: 5.28
    :counter: 5.28
    :crit: 8
    :sneakiness: 24
    :magic_power: 4
    :haywire: 8
    :magic_resist: 4

    LEVEL 9
    :burliness: 9
    :sagacity: 9
    :nimbleness: 18
    :caddishness: 18
    :savvy: 18
    :stubborness: 9
    :life: 27
    :mana: 18
    :melee_power: 2.97
    :block: 2.97
    :dodge: 9
    :edr: 5.94
    :counter: 5.94
    :crit: 9
    :sneakiness: 27
    :magic_power: 4.5
    :haywire: 9
    :magic_resist: 4.5

    LEVEL 10
    :burliness: 10
    :sagacity: 10
    :nimbleness: 20
    :caddishness: 20
    :savvy: 20
    :stubborness: 10
    :life: 30
    :mana: 20
    :melee_power: 3.3
    :block: 3.3
    :dodge: 10
    :edr: 6.6
    :counter: 6.6
    :crit: 10
    :sneakiness: 30
    :magic_power: 5
    :haywire: 10
    :magic_resist: 5

    LEVEL 11
    :burliness: 11
    :sagacity: 11
    :nimbleness: 22
    :caddishness: 22
    :savvy: 22
    :stubborness: 11
    :life: 33
    :mana: 22
    :melee_power: 3.63
    :block: 3.63
    :dodge: 11
    :edr: 7.26
    :counter: 7.26
    :crit: 11
    :sneakiness: 33
    :magic_power: 5.5
    :haywire: 11
    :magic_resist: 5.5

    LEVEL 12
    :burliness: 12
    :sagacity: 12
    :nimbleness: 24
    :caddishness: 24
    :savvy: 24
    :stubborness: 12
    :life: 36
    :mana: 24
    :melee_power: 3.96
    :block: 3.96
    :dodge: 12
    :edr: 7.92
    :counter: 7.92
    :crit: 12
    :sneakiness: 36
    :magic_power: 6
    :haywire: 12
    :magic_resist: 6

    LEVEL 13
    :burliness: 13
    :sagacity: 13
    :nimbleness: 26
    :caddishness: 26
    :savvy: 26
    :stubborness: 13
    :life: 39
    :mana: 26
    :melee_power: 4.29
    :block: 4.29
    :dodge: 13
    :edr: 8.58
    :counter: 8.58
    :crit: 13
    :sneakiness: 39
    :magic_power: 6.5
    :haywire: 13
    :magic_resist: 6.5

    LEVEL 14
    :burliness: 14
    :sagacity: 14
    :nimbleness: 28
    :caddishness: 28
    :savvy: 28
    :stubborness: 14
    :life: 42
    :mana: 28
    :melee_power: 4.62
    :block: 4.62
    :dodge: 14
    :edr: 9.24
    :counter: 9.24
    :crit: 14
    :sneakiness: 42
    :magic_power: 7
    :haywire: 14
    :magic_resist: 7

    LEVEL 15
    :burliness: 15
    :sagacity: 15
    :nimbleness: 30
    :caddishness: 30
    :savvy: 30
    :stubborness: 15
    :life: 45
    :mana: 30
    :melee_power: 4.95
    :block: 4.95
    :dodge: 15
    :edr: 9.9
    :counter: 9.9
    :crit: 15
    :sneakiness: 45
    :magic_power: 7.5
    :haywire: 15
    :magic_resist: 7.5

    LEVEL 16
    :burliness: 16
    :sagacity: 16
    :nimbleness: 32
    :caddishness: 32
    :savvy: 32
    :stubborness: 16
    :life: 48
    :mana: 32
    :melee_power: 5.28
    :block: 5.28
    :dodge: 16
    :edr: 10.56
    :counter: 10.56
    :crit: 16
    :sneakiness: 48
    :magic_power: 8
    :haywire: 16
    :magic_resist: 8

    LEVEL 17
    :burliness: 17
    :sagacity: 17
    :nimbleness: 34
    :caddishness: 34
    :savvy: 34
    :stubborness: 17
    :life: 51
    :mana: 34
    :melee_power: 5.61
    :block: 5.61
    :dodge: 17
    :edr: 11.22
    :counter: 11.22
    :crit: 17
    :sneakiness: 51
    :magic_power: 8.5
    :haywire: 17
    :magic_resist: 8.5

    LEVEL 18
    :burliness: 18
    :sagacity: 18
    :nimbleness: 36
    :caddishness: 36
    :savvy: 36
    :stubborness: 18
    :life: 54
    :mana: 36
    :melee_power: 5.94
    :block: 5.94
    :dodge: 18
    :edr: 11.88
    :counter: 11.88
    :crit: 18
    :sneakiness: 54
    :magic_power: 9
    :haywire: 18
    :magic_resist: 9

    LEVEL 19
    :burliness: 19
    :sagacity: 19
    :nimbleness: 38
    :caddishness: 38
    :savvy: 38
    :stubborness: 19
    :life: 57
    :mana: 38
    :melee_power: 6.27
    :block: 6.27
    :dodge: 19
    :edr: 12.54
    :counter: 12.54
    :crit: 19
    :sneakiness: 57
    :magic_power: 9.5
    :haywire: 19
    :magic_resist: 9.5

    LEVEL 20
    :burliness: 20
    :sagacity: 20
    :nimbleness: 40
    :caddishness: 40
    :savvy: 40
    :stubborness: 20
    :life: 60
    :mana: 40
    :melee_power: 6.6
    :block: 6.6
    :dodge: 20
    :edr: 13.2
    :counter: 13.2
    :crit: 20
    :sneakiness: 60
    :magic_power: 10
    :haywire: 20
    :magic_resist: 10
    Bohandas and Kazeto like this.
  18. FaxCelestis

    FaxCelestis Will Mod for Digglebucks


    LEVEL 1
    :burliness: 1
    :sagacity: 2
    :nimbleness: 1
    :caddishness: 1
    :savvy: 2
    :stubborness: 2
    :life: 2
    :mana: 4
    :melee_power: 0.33
    :block: 0.49
    :dodge: 0.5
    :edr: 0.33
    :counter: 0.33
    :crit: 0.5
    :sneakiness: 3
    :magic_power: 1
    :haywire: 1
    :magic_resist: 1

    LEVEL 2
    :burliness: 2
    :sagacity: 4
    :nimbleness: 2
    :caddishness: 2
    :savvy: 4
    :stubborness: 4
    :life: 4
    :mana: 8
    :melee_power: 0.66
    :block: 0.98
    :dodge: 1
    :edr: 0.66
    :counter: 0.66
    :crit: 1
    :sneakiness: 6
    :magic_power: 2
    :haywire: 2
    :magic_resist: 2

    LEVEL 3
    :burliness: 3
    :sagacity: 6
    :nimbleness: 3
    :caddishness: 3
    :savvy: 6
    :stubborness: 6
    :life: 6
    :mana: 12
    :melee_power: 0.99
    :block: 1.47
    :dodge: 1.5
    :edr: 0.99
    :counter: 0.99
    :crit: 1.5
    :sneakiness: 9
    :magic_power: 3
    :haywire: 3
    :magic_resist: 3

    LEVEL 4
    :burliness: 4
    :sagacity: 8
    :nimbleness: 4
    :caddishness: 4
    :savvy: 8
    :stubborness: 8
    :life: 8
    :mana: 16
    :melee_power: 1.32
    :block: 1.96
    :dodge: 2
    :edr: 1.32
    :counter: 1.32
    :crit: 2
    :sneakiness: 12
    :magic_power: 4
    :haywire: 4
    :magic_resist: 4

    LEVEL 5
    :burliness: 5
    :sagacity: 10
    :nimbleness: 5
    :caddishness: 5
    :savvy: 10
    :stubborness: 10
    :life: 10
    :mana: 20
    :melee_power: 1.65
    :block: 2.45
    :dodge: 2.5
    :edr: 1.65
    :counter: 1.65
    :crit: 2.5
    :sneakiness: 15
    :magic_power: 5
    :haywire: 5
    :magic_resist: 5

    LEVEL 6
    :burliness: 6
    :sagacity: 12
    :nimbleness: 6
    :caddishness: 6
    :savvy: 12
    :stubborness: 12
    :life: 12
    :mana: 24
    :melee_power: 1.98
    :block: 2.94
    :dodge: 3
    :edr: 1.98
    :counter: 1.98
    :crit: 3
    :sneakiness: 18
    :magic_power: 6
    :haywire: 6
    :magic_resist: 6

    LEVEL 7
    :burliness: 7
    :sagacity: 14
    :nimbleness: 7
    :caddishness: 7
    :savvy: 14
    :stubborness: 14
    :life: 14
    :mana: 28
    :melee_power: 2.31
    :block: 3.43
    :dodge: 3.5
    :edr: 2.31
    :counter: 2.31
    :crit: 3.5
    :sneakiness: 21
    :magic_power: 7
    :haywire: 7
    :magic_resist: 7

    LEVEL 8
    :burliness: 8
    :sagacity: 16
    :nimbleness: 8
    :caddishness: 8
    :savvy: 16
    :stubborness: 16
    :life: 16
    :mana: 32
    :melee_power: 2.64
    :block: 3.92
    :dodge: 4
    :edr: 2.64
    :counter: 2.64
    :crit: 4
    :sneakiness: 24
    :magic_power: 8
    :haywire: 8
    :magic_resist: 8

    LEVEL 9
    :burliness: 9
    :sagacity: 18
    :nimbleness: 9
    :caddishness: 9
    :savvy: 18
    :stubborness: 18
    :life: 18
    :mana: 36
    :melee_power: 2.97
    :block: 4.41
    :dodge: 4.5
    :edr: 2.97
    :counter: 2.97
    :crit: 4.5
    :sneakiness: 27
    :magic_power: 9
    :haywire: 9
    :magic_resist: 9

    LEVEL 10
    :burliness: 10
    :sagacity: 20
    :nimbleness: 10
    :caddishness: 10
    :savvy: 20
    :stubborness: 20
    :life: 20
    :mana: 40
    :melee_power: 3.3
    :block: 4.9
    :dodge: 5
    :edr: 3.3
    :counter: 3.3
    :crit: 5
    :sneakiness: 30
    :magic_power: 10
    :haywire: 10
    :magic_resist: 10

    LEVEL 11
    :burliness: 11
    :sagacity: 22
    :nimbleness: 11
    :caddishness: 11
    :savvy: 22
    :stubborness: 22
    :life: 22
    :mana: 44
    :melee_power: 3.63
    :block: 5.39
    :dodge: 5.5
    :edr: 3.63
    :counter: 3.63
    :crit: 5.5
    :sneakiness: 33
    :magic_power: 11
    :haywire: 11
    :magic_resist: 11

    LEVEL 12
    :burliness: 12
    :sagacity: 24
    :nimbleness: 12
    :caddishness: 12
    :savvy: 24
    :stubborness: 24
    :life: 24
    :mana: 48
    :melee_power: 3.96
    :block: 5.88
    :dodge: 6
    :edr: 3.96
    :counter: 3.96
    :crit: 6
    :sneakiness: 36
    :magic_power: 12
    :haywire: 12
    :magic_resist: 12

    LEVEL 13
    :burliness: 13
    :sagacity: 26
    :nimbleness: 13
    :caddishness: 13
    :savvy: 26
    :stubborness: 26
    :life: 26
    :mana: 52
    :melee_power: 4.29
    :block: 6.37
    :dodge: 6.5
    :edr: 4.29
    :counter: 4.29
    :crit: 6.5
    :sneakiness: 39
    :magic_power: 13
    :haywire: 13
    :magic_resist: 13

    LEVEL 14
    :burliness: 14
    :sagacity: 28
    :nimbleness: 14
    :caddishness: 14
    :savvy: 28
    :stubborness: 28
    :life: 28
    :mana: 56
    :melee_power: 4.62
    :block: 6.86
    :dodge: 7
    :edr: 4.62
    :counter: 4.62
    :crit: 7
    :sneakiness: 42
    :magic_power: 14
    :haywire: 14
    :magic_resist: 14

    LEVEL 15
    :burliness: 15
    :sagacity: 30
    :nimbleness: 15
    :caddishness: 15
    :savvy: 30
    :stubborness: 30
    :life: 30
    :mana: 60
    :melee_power: 4.95
    :block: 7.35
    :dodge: 7.5
    :edr: 4.95
    :counter: 4.95
    :crit: 7.5
    :sneakiness: 45
    :magic_power: 15
    :haywire: 15
    :magic_resist: 15

    LEVEL 16
    :burliness: 16
    :sagacity: 32
    :nimbleness: 16
    :caddishness: 16
    :savvy: 32
    :stubborness: 32
    :life: 32
    :mana: 64
    :melee_power: 5.28
    :block: 7.84
    :dodge: 8
    :edr: 5.28
    :counter: 5.28
    :crit: 8
    :sneakiness: 48
    :magic_power: 16
    :haywire: 16
    :magic_resist: 16

    LEVEL 17
    :burliness: 17
    :sagacity: 34
    :nimbleness: 17
    :caddishness: 17
    :savvy: 34
    :stubborness: 34
    :life: 34
    :mana: 68
    :melee_power: 5.61
    :block: 8.33
    :dodge: 8.5
    :edr: 5.61
    :counter: 5.61
    :crit: 8.5
    :sneakiness: 51
    :magic_power: 17
    :haywire: 17
    :magic_resist: 17

    LEVEL 18
    :burliness: 18
    :sagacity: 36
    :nimbleness: 18
    :caddishness: 18
    :savvy: 36
    :stubborness: 36
    :life: 36
    :mana: 72
    :melee_power: 5.94
    :block: 8.82
    :dodge: 9
    :edr: 5.94
    :counter: 5.94
    :crit: 9
    :sneakiness: 54
    :magic_power: 18
    :haywire: 18
    :magic_resist: 18

    LEVEL 19
    :burliness: 19
    :sagacity: 38
    :nimbleness: 19
    :caddishness: 19
    :savvy: 38
    :stubborness: 38
    :life: 38
    :mana: 76
    :melee_power: 6.27
    :block: 9.31
    :dodge: 9.5
    :edr: 6.27
    :counter: 6.27
    :crit: 9.5
    :sneakiness: 57
    :magic_power: 19
    :haywire: 19
    :magic_resist: 19

    LEVEL 20
    :burliness: 20
    :sagacity: 40
    :nimbleness: 20
    :caddishness: 20
    :savvy: 40
    :stubborness: 40
    :life: 40
    :mana: 80
    :melee_power: 6.6
    :block: 9.8
    :dodge: 10
    :edr: 6.6
    :counter: 6.6
    :crit: 10
    :sneakiness: 60
    :magic_power: 20
    :haywire: 20
    :magic_resist: 20
    Bohandas and Kazeto like this.
  19. tejón

    tejón Member

    Quick and dirty build calculator as promised. Tossed in a few notes but it should mostly be self-explanatory. Read-only, make a copy to edit (i.e. actually use).

    It's formatted to require no scrolling at 1920x1080 maximized in Chrome on Win7 -- results may vary in any other configuration. :)
    Rarefied Horse Meat and Essence like this.
  20. FaxCelestis

    FaxCelestis Will Mod for Digglebucks

    GIMP is fine, you just have to go to image > mode > indexed..., pick one, then when you save the PNG make sure you have "remember color values for transparent pixels" checked.

    Still, I make my sprites in GIMP, and then do "post-processing" in mtPaint. It has a very handy palette shifter tool and has some neat palette swapping things. If you use mtPaint, if you choose "Save as..." you can actually set the transparency index yourself (rather than the default 0 or -1).