"Good job, Oleandre, my boy! Now, who do you all suppose that woman was?"
This just made me giddy like a schoolgirl. I may become addicted to Dredmor for realzies this time!
"I think our good friend is right about this device; I had a bad feeling about it myself. Probably a good idea to let the expert handle the...
The Senator looks at Ililani, gesturing in the direction of the hallway. "After you, my lady," he says with a cheesy smile.
Just an FYI, I'll be away from home starting tomorrow until July 1st. I may or may not have Internet access at any given time, so I give Essence...
I believe you only need the one point of :smithing: or :tinkerer:, so you don't need to put a point into the skill at all!
They nerfed it a while back. Now, you get a max of two ingots per ore when you have one point of :smithing: or :tinkerer:.
Just an FYI: http://community.gaslampgames.com/threads/cooliomancy-1-0-9.2019/
The Senator, like any good politician, completely ignores Olaf's question. Instead, he introduces himself. "Hello good sir. I'm Senator Zebedev....
In response to number 5, I'd say Interior Dredmorating, Roguish Renovation, FAXPAX, and Complete Essential Skills are really amazing. You might...
Couple of oddities with the Diggle Adventuring Team Member: 1. He casts his buff centered on me, and it buffs me as well. 2. [IMG] EDIT: And...
I don't know for sure, but I believe the highest-level traps can take up to 16:trap_level: to disarm.
The Senator is not fooled by Oleandre's lie, but he doesn't say anything about it.
The most genuinely likeable actress ever! She's really nerdy and isn't afraid to show it.
"Thanks for that soft landing, my good man. I am curious, however: where did you get all these softballs?"
[media] @1:50 Huge publicity! You guys can probably expect at least a couple dozen more purchases in the near future.
The Senator is utterly confused. He notes that two people went up while only one went down, so he decides to follow Flingy down the shaft. He...
A Debacle of Diggles. Some diggles are actually Diggle Turncoats, which have a chance to charm themselves every turn.
Why would you take Dual Wielding on an Unarmed character? You only get the stat boni when you are actually wielding two weapons.
The Senator hops backwards as the arrow hits the ground. "OH MY NON-GOD! I COULD HAVE BEEN KILLED!" He takes a few deep breaths and regains...
Separate names with a comma.