the purple candies give you a really nice armor buff. The other two and the jawbreakers can sell for lots of zorks. :) also if you eat enough...
My idea for debuffs would be to match it with the crafting skill, with the explanation being that you "expend" so much energy after focusing on...
i feel the same way as you. my music player preferences are so basic that i use Winamp, but i don't even utilize the library feature, i just keep...
Because the avatar is always the same, i'd never considered how ridiculous your character might actually look with different items. Example:...
the enhanced is a lot smoother, and most of the mod community is already moving to port stuff to it, so you should go with that.
i started playing that the other day after getting it through the THQ bundle. I like it but it feels so linear. It is a bit stifling at times. It...
The game for the next two days is Weird Worlds: Return to Infinite Space, a coffee break style 10-30 minute long space roguelike! It's really fun...
Can we have a Dredmor political party? But they can be a pseudo-cult that never mentions who their true leader is. Maybe they could have a diggle...
you could try the -nukesteamcloud parameter (after copying your saves to another place if you want to keep them). I've had issues in the past and...
i think what you are trying to say is that you like polishing wands.
i know we all like diggles here, but i didn't realize some of us liked them that way. it's the big drill beaks, isn't it
Monks are so ridiculous in this game. I can outrun everyone, and with a sling I can wipe them out Stat bonus, +1 sling, +2 bracers = +6 to all...
Added a few more things I've noticed. A few item containers have been imported from Icewind Dale 2 (Gem Bag, Scroll Case, Potion Case), which...
I've barely touched these skilltrees: Paranormal Investigator Magical Law Math Piracy Warlock Wandcrafting Communism Demonology Daggers And I'm...
I know I have made threads like this in the past, but REALLY. This game is wonderful and even 600 hours into it I am still discovering and...
I forgot about how annoying Noober is. Also, i have foiled four assassination attempts so far. Playing monk is kind of silly. Since my movespeed...
The main differences I've seen so far: More classes than the original BG1. Monk, some specializations, wizard slayer, wild mage, etc Supposedly...
What are your thoughts so far? It seems to play almost exactly like the original for me. Also, I had forgotten how silly THAC0 is.
don't know about 1 but for 2, definitely if you pick the right skills! Hybrids tend to do better as they are more flexible, but an all-in warrior...
Welcome to the Dungeons of Dredmor! :D This game is so big that even some of the obvious things took me ages to figure out...luckily, we have...
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