in 1.12, if you kill a Diggle Geologist who is petrified, then stand over its body, the petrification :dmg_aphyxiative: damage will hit the...
:resist_aphyxiative::resist_putrefying: and :resist_toxic:. They are already squishy. I just feel really bad for them when they die to their own...
I encountered this the other day when I was trying to finish off the "get killed by a demon diggle" achievement and just loaded/reloaded a...
I was just thinking about how no other game out there has a crafting system as compelling as this one. Lots of RPGs attempt crafts, but they...
The people at Gaslamp care too much to let their games sit and rot into obscurity. I'm sure that if open source isn't planned, they at least have...
This is known-- it happens because the skill itself works by summoning a "gas canister" monster that then dies, exploding on death. Apparently...
So according to this thread, this achievement could only be unlocked by drinking with the devs in person. There was, however, some talk of...
I just noticed that the new diggle digging thing makes progressing through Diggle Hell painfully slow. That should be changed.
I am a fan of stats of all kinds in my games, so yes please.
I doubt they would even need to get close enough to Vlad for melee combat, with Guerilla and their Clockwork abilities. Resistance will be way...
With :dodge:, this can be easily solved by increasing :edr: on enemies. Even +10 to late game enemies would be significant. If you really want...
Oh, Arcanum. I wish you weren't so buggy and poorly balanced for casters. :( Someone really, really needs to remake it. The entire world and the...
I generally agree with everything that has been said so far. One way you could diversify armor a little is if you introduced encrusts which add...
Sawblades are the strongest, then probably your holy hand grenades. You have more than enough to wipe out both Dredmor and Vlad Digula. It's...
The problem with this is that Dredmor has never utilized limited inventory space as something that was actually an issue. Before the Pocket...
The communism skill tree has two recipes that require a hammer and sickle. You start with one of both, and you can craft a hammer with Smithing,...
I'm confused as to how this is a balance issue in any sense....the only consequences from selling later versus immediately is that you can buy...
Daggles (the horror) a significantly more stable Dredmor with 1.12 Various suggestions for UI changes (wont happen for awhile because of...
Is there a room with a lever anywhere? Sometimes they teleport you to another room.
[media] here's some incredibly trashy French pop music. (nsfw language)
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