Especially Nicholas, for doing so much work the past few days on the DLC. You deserve a Diggle ice cream cake, and everyone else should get Diggle...
It seems a bit odd to me that all of the other vending machines are very specific: Food: foods Throwing: throwing Drink: Drinks Crafting:...
1. Use this random letter sequence generator to pick out 3-5 letters for you. 2. Create a name, using...
Was wondering if this was intended or not-- if you cast Gray heron Takes Flight (the unarmed 3x3 AOE knockback), an enemy can counterattack you...
I mentioned this in the IRC last night-- sometimes when you pull the switch that gives you this text, no traps actually show up. Apparently the...
according to the tooltip: The Most Dangerous Game If it bleeds we can kill it. If not, we will give it blood so that it bleeds, and then we can...
When there is an item on the same square as an enemy (for example, a bolt you just shot), the item always takes precedence over the enemy. It is a...
Does anyone else play? I do every once in awhile. Mostly I like to mess around with Taric...still working on mastering him. I think he's...
I'm thinking of getting a cheap netbook. I don't care much about high end gaming, just as long as it can run League of Legends and Dungeons of...
Sometimes when you die a lot on Going Rogue/Permadeath, the game automatically turns off PD the next time you go to start a new game, despite it...
As above-- it DOES reduce my max :life: by -1 properly, but it also gives me +1 to my current :life:. So I can cast Deathly Hex multiple times,...
I want many many more monsters added. I want most of them to be Diggles. Chef Diggle - Drops a random medium strength food (some cheese, tofu,...
every time i use it i am kind of disappointed :(
if you click really fast on a monster, you can hit them multiple times with this spell. then they only get one turn for your five. i thought it...
Because Dredmor has such huge gobloads of content, I bet lots of people still have moments like this-- when you realize that even though you've...
for when you are around the corner from a bolt trap and it takes you 10-20 tries to finally get it disarmed.
I haven't seen much discussion of the skilltree on here, except one mention in a Emomancy discussion. What does everyone think of this tree? I...
Tunnel Snakes Jacket +5 :armor_asorb: +12 :block: +6 :dodge: +3 :melee_power: +2 :dmg_crushing: +5 :nimbleness: +3 :caddishness:+3 :burliness:...
I've been trying out this vegan thing a lot, and I've noticed quite a few nice things about it: You get to pet Diggles You get to watch animals...
This could work in two ways: A toggle allows you to highlight multiple items in your inventory to grind. Then you press the GRIND button and it...
Separate names with a comma.