I've been playing "Lexica", which is a simple word puzzle game, which is kind of a cross between Scrabble and Sudoku. I don't like most puzzle...
I got to see "Dawn of the Planet of the Apes" this afternoon, and I give it my thumbs up. Granted, if you are at all familiar with the first...
This is a roguelike, not a standard rpg. The fact that you could reach Dredmor means you are making progress. Most people never beat the game --...
It will only affect other characters. Also, Dredmor is weaker if you fight the level 10 version than if you fight the level 15 version.
I agree with everything you said. The discovery mechanic is odd as well, and the fact that your data persists is not always helpful, since you...
I think I figured this one out -- you can only try them once. I must have clicked on it the other day and not realized it. I tried today's daily...
Poe's curse was that he was an alcoholic, plus his works sold better overseas than in the U.S. at the time (according to Wikipedia, it was due to...
Yes, there are ranged weapons -- I know thrown weapons for sure (grenades and potions). Be careful though using them as the grenades have a...
Vlad Digula is arguably tougher than Lord Dredmor.
Well, unless you can manage to poison the entire coastline/fish people habitat, coexisting is the only option other than death. The main question...
I find that with most Let's Play's for the game, that I'm yelling at the screen because the guy will pick up a bow and not wield it because he's...
I was also a supporter of Sunless Sea, but it really wasn't working back when I tried it (almost every time I'd try to dock, I'd ground myself on...
I've been giving Wasteland 2's beta a try this morning and so far I'm impressed and glad I supported it.
I finished reading Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy by John Le Carre last night. Now it has me wanting to watch the two adaptations again. All 3...
One more... [MEDIA]
As usual, I'm here with some old songs. I'm just going to share some really beautiful music. I used to listen to this song all the time. And...
I actually didn't think that the remake was much worse than the original (but that's partly because I didn't care for the original). As I was...
OK, but if you've read the source material (which you have), you don't need me to tell you that. And if you haven't, and the film falls flat on...
I just saw the worst movie I've seen in a theater in a while: "The Signal". I'm NOT going to say if its based on a novel or not (not that I...
I thought this was an interesting article which kind of combines my personal interest in scams, quackery, and pseudoscience, with the community's...
Separate names with a comma.