Check west door anyway, but watch your step in case of traps.
Check to see if the door's locked first.
Amelia of the Waning Moon; you're a were-diggle that volunteered to go into the dungeon to avoid being 'burned at the stake'. (Your village is...
Are they... *gulp* hermaphroditic? I know this is taboo, but I ask anyway; the reason is that a Werediggle of either gender may lay an egg in...
Actually, the wiffle-maul is bugged.
We'd need both Paizo's and Gaslamp Games's permission.
Also, since Diggles are sapient, I also want to ask: how can they be trained like hounds? Also, wouldn't being a werediggle mean you have...
With most of the dungeon's food being cheese...
On another question: can you please give us a sample of these flaws that seem to have a low impact, but actually have a higher one?
*sigh* In this case, I was being short-sighted.
This skill clearly and undeniably breaks the game.
Oh, alright. I thought they were non-sapient since Big Game Hunter has them trained like hounds, and they are a valid species for lycanthropy.
Wait, now's a good time to pray to Inconsequentia.
My personal thought is: The Diggles are non-sapient, and the Diggle Gods are merely crafted in the Diggles' image.
Are Diggles sapient or not? I'm just curious. (I picked General since I'm not sure where else to put it...) P.S. I prefer that the staff answer...
Do you use them like crossbows, or...?
Item quality is completely random. However, the deeper you go in the dungeon, the better the 'artifact' bonuses are.
For the red ones, avoid those. The blue ones de-curse you, by the way.
It would take too much time to draw all that for the Gaslamp Games artists.
Correct; werediggle form disables all non-werediggle skills.
Separate names with a comma.