He realizes the dungeon is "randomly generated".
Rantic is suddenly Genre-Savvy, lol.
Something to do with how Gaslamp set the Euro price themselves for base DoD as (opposed to the $1=1 Euro thing Steam does) but not for the...
Danton is surprised that Torma has a soft side.
"Maybe the eyeless guy is one of those villains that you always read about in the book depositories, the kind that likes their 'heroes' to be a...
Danton just chuckles and shakes his head.
Danton finishes healing Berz (apparently) and responds to Rantic's question: "The man I met before had the symbol in red, and it was very large...
Double negative, you already have them
Danton heads over to Berz. "I've been told you need some assistance. How can I help you?"
Danton realizes Torma asked him a question, and snaps out of his thoughts. "The man walked through the wall after we were done talking. I was a...
Danton looks surprised. "I can't leave?! Oh man, I knew it was trouble when they sent me down here to check on those shrines. I always suspected...
My apologies. That is a better way to put it, I'll do that in the future.
@Godwin again: "I'm sorry, I forgot to tell you what the symbol looked like. It was an eye with an arrow through it, like it had been shot by an...
"It seems he does live here. When greeting him, I described the dungeon as dank, and he said that he found it comforting."
@Hort: Danton shakes Hort's hand, assuming it's still being offered. "Good to meet you too, Hort." @Torma: Danton salutes Torma back. "Yours is...
The young man, about 5' 5", rather buff, and decked out in plate mail, looks relieved to see regular people (as regular as stuff in this dungeon...
The stat boosts from skills don't apply while you are in Werediggle form. Only stats from equipment apply. So, if you plan to stay in Werediggle...
This has happened to me a few times as well, usually on level 3 or 4.
Okay, final character sheet for Danton is attached. Let me know if there are any errors.
I'm just going to stick with Inconsequentia, because no one else is worshipping her (as far as I know) and I'm interested to see the benefits.
Separate names with a comma.