The only time I've not liked the weapon effects in if I've been in the shop and an enemy walks in and an area of effect one triggers meaning a...
Eh the Zomby summon isn't the best. Corpse burst is ok but situational, also on a warrior why bother as most enemies will be dead next to you and...
I'd never noticed before as I've never really used the skills that involve sleep.
I had just finished doing a monster on level 2 when I found out Narcosomatic Induction (the Psionic first skill) was no longer triggering Sleep at...
Yep really. Also if you get one on your crossbow it only triggers in melee currently, however if you are playing a melee build this is quite useful.
It is an effect that can trigger on hit. Like you can get an acid one where your weapon has a chance of inflicting the Acid Burn debuff on enemies.
^^ & ^ Exactly, and your inventory will also be full of your throwing weapons. It really restricts the use of the skill.
Why is it that to craft the majority of thrown weapons you need to take Blacksmithing AND Tinkering? With every other weapon focus you only need...
That diggle looks nice I want us to be good friends *Congrats You have died.*
Enraged Diggles now sometimes have the Monstrous Rage buff. I don't know what it does as they still die afterwards. (Poor diggles.)
I think it's nice it actually does damage now unlike in 1.03.
^ >'I especially find fault with windups that go on for too long (the bits where it is supposed to build up into a drop, meant to be useful on the...
^ My Vamp was draining more than one HP, on my warrior and I hardly had any Magic power (due to armour). I'm not sure of the mechanics though.
>the announcer will simply scream BLAHT ! BLAHT! at you every time you hit a monster. Which is... kind of amusing, actually. Should have left...
Yeah just tested with random skills + Burglary shows Brax to be normal.
According to the DoD Twitter the patch is live.
Dubstep is great! Also that lost woods one is brilliant.
Do Deadshot skills now trigger upon use with ranged attacks; crossbow or thrown?
> I think Daniel was making noise about how "oh, we have to attend a games conference in Europe." Europe sound promising :D
They should do a UK tour. By UK I mean near me in the UK. By tour I mean pub crawl. ;)
Separate names with a comma.