Ouch. Harsh. (Speaking personally, the combination of upfront fee + sub fee + cash shop killed it for me.)
Having played Evoland all the way to the end I will bluntly say that while cute it never gets actually fun.
There will be roads! The reason roads are not in any media is because they have some bugs right now, so we temporarily disabled them. Fixing /...
Today's blogpost is.. very Nicholas. Hahaha. It's very accurate though. http://www.gaslampgames.com/2014/04/02/the-fishman/
Well I guess I better put AoW3 on my now 40+ long steam wishlist. ":X
Today we've made an exciting announcement - our new VR Initiative! http://www.gaslampgames.com/2014/04/01/gaslamp-vr-the-future-of-indie-gaming/
Neo Scavenger, Offspring Fling, Anodyne, and Defender's Quest all come highly recommended. Magical Diary, you'll probably like if you like visual...
So I just found an entire plot thread in this game I had no idea existed. :D Funny the things you can find if you experiment...
At this point I think I'm ready to admit I'm probably going to try to 100% One Way Heroics. :X I love this game so much. *OBSESSION*
Started playing One Way Heroics again now that it's on steam. Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
I could not be happier with that RPS article, or the press reaction to the game. Speaking personally, it's really hard to know how people will...
Ah yeah, I should link that: 12 minutes(!) of gameplay footage from last week! [media]
Uh oh.
I -FINALLY- went back and beat Hell Yeah recently. It was.... okay. :X That bionic dues thing looks neat but wahhh I can't justify buying any more...
Short post from The Escapist today. Not much new info in the post itself, but there is a fair bit of previously-unseen concept art:...
As expected, the GDC insane-o-blog: http://www.gaslampgames.com/2014/03/19/how-to-pr-the-gaslamp-way/
Wow, you got a commish of the dredmor PC? That's really awesome. XD (And as one might expect, the key to getting better at drawing is...
I figured I'd make a topic for the explosion of articles likely to ensue within the next week or so as everyone who's played the game at GDC goes...
Oh god, it's been ages since I played it and I don't know if I remember the game well enough to give a real explanation anymore. Anyway, I'm just...
I'm.. highly skeptical. Warlock 1 had a LOT of balance issues and many of them were only fixed in paid DLC. This is on my no-buy list unless they...
Separate names with a comma.