I'm curious about M&MX but trying to finish King's Bounty: The Legend first.
I see your sarcasm detector is broken today.
I really need to finish Darksiders 2 at some point. I keep wanting to but man it's so longggg.
Yeahhhhhhh this is a level I will never even attempt to play fighting games at
100%ed Guacamelee. Cute game. Simple, short, but reasonably fun. Started getting into Skullgirls. I'm generally terrible at fighting games but...
Today's blog post is about a lot of stuff Nicholas has been working on lately, including LOTS of debugging. It is also about the insane networking...
Ohhh yeah. I forgot to post that. And yeah, it's neat seeing this stuff come together on our end as well :D
Starsector is really, really fun, especially considering the early state it's in. http://fractalsoftworks.com/ Also David did the art for it.
I don't normally bring my anti-F2P crusade into this forum but this article is amazing and I think more people need to read it....
Clockwork Empires, yo.
I think I'm starting to hit that equilibrium point where I don't buy anything from steam sales anymore.
Jebus that's a lot of roguelikes. I wish I had time to play some of them. D:
Sounds! Zath's getting some exposure in this one. http://www.gaslampgames.com/2013/12/18/the-sound-of-one-gear-turning/
God, I remember that IM. It was what, ~8 hours before the expansion launched on steam?
200/300 series was before the 400/500 series, which is what we have in the office I believe. That said, _10 is a pretty low end model on any gen I...
UI, Iteration, and all kinds of other fun things in Nicholas's monthly technical status update! You can tell Nicholas is enamored with my recent...
I'm not really the person to answer this, I'm afraid, as I am waaaay behind on what the programmers have been doing for the past few months - I...
While obviously nothing I say here is final (or even necessarily what we'll end up deciding on), it's worth noting that removal of limbs is...
So yeah, I've been playing this lately. It's a cute little japanese roguelike. Clunky, perhaps simplistic in some ways, but IMO a blast. Also it's...
Separate names with a comma.