The new diggle digging thing kind of breaks those rooms where you have two levers to choose between treasure or a mob of enraged diggles. Maybe...
This is true for evil chests also! Always open them from a diagonal so that the monster is one space away from you instead of right next to you....
I am in favor of this. most experienced players have already learned how many hits, how much general hp, etc, a monster has. this just helps newer...
The "draining attack" is also separate from your basic melee attack: it does :dmg_necromatic: with extra damage from your :life_regen:, healing an...
I was playing on speed +1 and walked into two boulder drop traps in a row.
i really really hope your story ends up like this: [IMG]
Favorite Animal: Pigs. They are the 4th smartest animal after chimps, dolphins, and elephants. They're very loyal and emphatic, have family...
what if you got a nice little starting screen to pick what you want (after having it initially narrowed down by skill choices)?
This. I would love to see trapdoors that throw you into a Wizardland.
This reminds me of a time when I had this intense rash all over my body and I went to my college health services for help. My usual doctor, a...
...hadn't started tugging at his liver, Prometheus style...
i made a thread about this exact same thing a few weeks ago. :)
Yeah that's the issue. A lot of people have difficulty clicking on their target-- instead it picks up something that's a few spaces away. Or it...
Weird Worlds is excellent and I've spent a big chunk of time with it. It's definitely worth it for the low price. My only complaints are that, as...
I am surprised that there isn't one. Well anyway-- I played through with my first character (a Berserker) and I had a lot of fun. It's...
I've been playing a lot of L4D2, mostly because games are short and I don't have to commit much to it at any given time. I've actually never tried...
i just want as many new expansions as possible. and as reasonably balanced/patched, of course.
[img] so...what happened to him next?
I would love a 4th difficulty, but yeah. No random chance things. Higher scaling though...yes please.
yeah i liken it to faking cancer (depression can also be pretty life threatening) and asking for donations. it is just sad to me. and very...
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