I have a chronic illness that forces my body to constantly rebuild itself, so being skinny has always been something that just happens to me....
Super Melee Power Adventurer! Smithing Killer Vegan Throwing Unarmed Master of Arms I am trying this right now. I'll probably have 200 hp by the...
Issue with steam overlay: about 50% of the time, when i open up the overlay and then return to the game, my game will be totally unresponsive....
That's true, but while you win out numerically, there are some stats that are qualitatively more valuable than others. Last time I tried to make a...
He's a miniboss on later floors :P
Epic-level trolling by our mighty god, RNGeesus. Unfortunately, this would never happen to Vlad Digula, because he has his own throne room. :(
weird things you do, cheats or bugs you take advantage of, etc. ever since Maslech, every time I play Archaeology I use my fedora on anvils and...
I think it's really cool that someone could have a totally ordinary day job, but be an internet superstar at night. It's a real shame that someone...
we will all see you forever
A certain cursed item from Baldur's Gate comes to mind...
i don't know if i should do spoilers for a 15 year old game but anyway, SPOILERS Parasite Eve: when the baby comes back to life and chases you!...
daggle rulers. so glorious. can't. look. away.
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Using zorks doesn't make that much sense thematically. What if you penalized the player by absorbing some of their food or booze? Like 30 food...
I like this idea because Killing Blow is such a disappointing capstone. One hit? That's all? :( (especially since the ability has low priority...
This would be a nice way to make up for their reliance on melee, yes. Maybe even a little :magic_resist: also.
I was thinking that most people would use their inventory when they go to the Pocket Dimension anyway (dumping items, crafting, etc), so by having...
[IMG] without 2x you'd probably have to make the inventory window slightly larger, but it would still work. it's small but it would reduce...
Pirates versus Robo-Pirates? Diggles versus Robo-Diggles?
You Have to Name the Tutorial? Brax's pay-and-learn emporium Dredmor's academy for diggle archmages
Separate names with a comma.