I accidentally walked into one like this. It's a good thing I had 40 Inky Hoglanterns. :p Vending machines are one of the only objects in the...
This sounds neat but I am really bad at visualizing these sorts of things. Could you show us how you did it?
[IMG] they are so fabulous that i can see into monsters' souls now. also-- yup! i got something that wasn't a weapon from an uberchest.
[IMG] Hope you enjoy your stay. I think the main difference between Roguelikes and other dungeon crawling games is that they are more like...
looks like the first icon for the future daggle/dunjens of dradmer mod
Don't forget Coral Wands! You get a nice quick regen buff with those. I hope you're using Dredmorpedia instead of the woefully outdated Dredmor...
woops, i worded it incorrectly. Your post is what I meant. fixed that!
Situation 1 Player walks onto trap Monster is in the way of the trap, blocking the player Monster takes damage Situation 2 Monster walks onto...
Perhaps we could draw inspiration from the Happy Birthday Dredmor mod.
Magic Gargoyle Bolt weirdness. The trap was where I've highlighted it below, but when I failed to disarm, it shot at the square to my left instead...
who knows what Lovecraftian horrors Ruigi will come up with next
just had a runtime error crash. save's attached! the game has been very stable for 30 hours of gameplay so far though.
it's a good thing i wasnt drinking anything at the time because i would have spewed all over my computer
I just finished a quest and I got a Helm of Threepwood with 1:trap_sense:. glad that is finally fixed:D
I think it should do something ridiculous, like shoot explosions both behind and in front of you. Or spawn tons of lutefisk for fun.
But the game saves stuff to Documents/My Documents. How does it handle that on portable storage?
i wanted daggles but i didn't ask for this oh god what have i done
The cracks in the ice will occasionally cast Glacial Burst on their squares. I don't know what the chances/percentages are but that's all I've...
i actually just got a new laptop that has almost the same specs for $500 a few months ago. So a desktop is probably cheaper. And in a year or...
Diggle breeding please. Or herding. Diggle Herding sounds nice.
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