Well look at it from a combat prospective. If you are fighting armed soldiers, are you going to shoot them once and walk away and just hope they...
We could argue back and forth for weeks on this subject, but each has advantages. And even the advantages are all disputable. I read Sun Tzu. So...
When a hardware maker is flipped off and told those two words by Torvalds of all people, they are at Hitler level in my book. And it is so very...
A bolt just zipped by me and stuck to the wall. It has a note taped to it. The note reads as follows: "Guns do not have bolts to fire, and thus...
I does not take a year to master a bow. It takes a day. No exaggeration. You just have to play with it a while. A bow also has the option of being...
Bows are in many cases superior to guns as a weapon. You can make arrows that will pierce thick layered armor that would stop bullets. You can...
They also ship to Canada, China and Puerto Rico. But yeah. I did not even think of that. Sorry. :( I think Nicholas means any video card with...
It is on Faux news. It makes sense that way. :D Little mathematical importance. Pffft. I guess there is no deficit and vote counting is not...
Well... It *WAS* working when I posted that. At least for me. Now however it is not. It shows there to be no items whatsoever. As Haldurson...
Works for me... Reload Steam.
Open the save directory and you see the mods there. Those were copied from the mods usual location in case you updated one or more while playing...
Everyone is wrong! Pong was better than every other game ever! Yeah! So there. :) PosChengBand is a good game. It is based upon Chegband that is...
We cannot overlook the fact that seemingly random screwups tend to happen most often after that sort of thing. Thanks for letting us know the...
If you want to get into doing LPs of DoD GRPD randoms, make a thread. It makes it easier to follow.
A 5850 is more than enough to handle Crysis on maximum settings at a reasonable framerate. Not to brag, but ten 6450s would still be less GPU...
Take a look. This is a great deal! https://slickdeals.net/permadeal/88820/newegg-corsair-cx430-v2-430w-power-supply-cmpsu430cxv2 It is a Corsair...
At least these horse mask wearers are clothed...
One thing I should have mentioned above. Baby Steps. When under/over clocking the parts, always do so in small amounts. If I were to set my GPU...
Well, it looks like it may just work. I know how it is to live without the means to buy what you need, much less to replace parts when they go...
A 250 is woefully inadequate for most GPUs. And the 610 page says it requires a 300 watt, but that likely depends more on how much your CPU draws...
Separate names with a comma.