My cat recently has had trouble urinating. Recently I thought he started peeing blood. I thought it was a run of the mill UTI, but now upon closer...
I feel your pain. My mother is similar. The phrase "I can't do it" is all too common. As is "Why can it not do it like * did?"...
And that is the last we hear of Essence... Mwahahaha! (Just kidding. But the game does look good.)
That is not even possible. Sleep Deprivation makes Kazeto the crazy person he is. :)
That is exactly what I wanted to hear! :D
It is a "MORPG" and looks great. I am wondering if it is worth spending a boatload of time on or not.
Yeah. That video from Daynab is funny. And Weird Al is always good. Neither of them is what I call music, but more a joke using music. Good enough...
This is probably a really stupid question, but have you asked various senior specialist Doctors and handicap assistance groups for advice? For...
That is a crummy netbook spec desktop with the worst parts imaginable and a free Linux OS. Just reading the FAQ sickens me. They imply that...
In every possible occupation where you *CAN* be elsewhere, there is someone that has been employed to do whatever their job is for many years that...
IBM laptops are the best in my never humble opinion. They are often more expensive, but they cost more because they are awesome. Note that...
That is likely unintended, but more effort than should be required to fix. If you think of it as cheating, then do not do it. If you want to...
ToME 2.35 was my personal favorite. But after giving ToME 4.* a chance, it turns out to be superior in every way. Be sure to check out the addons...
Fair enough Daynab. These two have been posted here before, but they are always fun. [media] [media]
Summons never cast. Period. Sorry to disappoint you. As for The second spell, check out Null's Wind Magic. There is a spell in that that you...
This is what I use now. (I know we discussed it via PM, I am just spitting it out for others to read.)...
Not until Fax returns. And that may simply never happen. Even if he does, there is no guarantee he will make documentation. You are free to make...
Wow. Mining. Exceptional walls of text there. I can hardly read it all without getting dizzy. I think I may spontaneously combust if I were to try...
At least the horse face guy is wearing clothes and not messing with 'shrooms this time. :)
Questionable is relative. You set the conditions for the situation. Trying to have absolute rules for what is questionable is plainly...
Separate names with a comma.