I have no idea what that even is. But I see how you got Burnination from it. (I never thought you were stealing what I stole.)
Hmmm. Odd that you came up with so similar a name as I did only eight hours after I did. But I do not think you ripped off my idea. (I ripped off...
Are you serious? That would be pure lunacy. Take your pills, get some sleep, or seek psychiatric help. Something is very wrong, or you are joking...
Yeah. In reality you could just post it here and we will examine it and possibly help you refine it a bit. There are no hard rules about where you...
Just make a thread in the Mod Releases forum. http://community.gaslampgames.com/forums/mod-releases.27/ You can use Steam Workshop too if you...
Cool. I only ask since you quoted the close tag, but not the open one. (Just covering all bases.) Sadly I have no idea what could be wrong....
Are each of these preceded by the obvious <item> tag that starts the item? You close them with </item>. but what is there to close when it was...
Giving us the spellDB is useful, but without the rest we cannot really be sure what is wrong. Is the "Master Armoursmith's Amazing Boots"...
I actually played TLC a while back. But Althea is right. It is to Fable 1 what The Witcher Enhanced Edition is to The Witcher. Personally I...
A perfect example of this is that Team Fortress 2 just magically appeared in my library. I never installed it. Steam just added it. That is...
If you did not like the mess that Fable 3 was, you will hate TLC. It is just a tiny expansion and hardly worth glancing at if I recall correctly.
Sleeves are not equitable. Make it a normal armor type and it should work.
Steam calls it "Verify the game cache" or something similar to that. You can likely find it easily, if not I will make screenshots to direct you,...
Yeah. Gaslamp Games is a great company. They actually bother to support the customers. I wish other game companies would notice and follow their lead.
Just rename the Steam ######.dat file to the same sequence of numbers and the zip file extension. That is all you have to do. Then you can post it...
Nice. But you may want to consider posting a copy of the mod here on the forums so non Steam users can use it too. Desura, Gamefly, and Humble...
If I am understanding what I see here, this sounds massively overpowered. But you know better than I. Rock on. One thing you may want to...
Funny. But I fail to see the harm in this. Prison time? He should be grounded to his/her room until he/she grows up a bit. I have thought of...
The last watch I had was bought more than 20 years ago. It worked for almost 15 years before the battery died, and I was told it would cost more...
For ToME, I suggest trying the Spellsword addon. It is a nice class. I linked the forum thread in the comments of the addon page. The Infinite...
Separate names with a comma.