Presented without comment. I lvoe draggles, they are cutset enimal.
Guesting was delayed a ton. It's been about a month since I played but I don't THINK it's implemented yet. At the moment (as of when I played) the...
Same server to group, no. Same server to actually be in the same location and do anything together, yes. If you group with someone on a different...
Asking to switch servers for a guild is pretty commonplace - how are you supposed to adventure and do world events with guildies if you're not on...
A novel where everyone in the world dies and then the last survivors of humanity commit suicide out of the futility of it all isn't depressing?
I put about 15 minutes into Stranger's Wrath HD and all I can feel is "man, this sure is an xbox-1 era video game." The segmentation, the...
I want to back this but.... blah. I dunno. TLJ was great - Dreamfall was kind of, not. It had so little gameplay to it :\
I read The Forever War over the past few days. It was really depressing. Hmm.. Can anyone recommend some sci-fi that ISN'T either A: An epic...
I beat Deadlight. It was.. mediocre! wee~ I'm not sure what to play next, honestly. Waiting until I settle down in my new apartment for anything...
Hey, congrats! :D What is it you do on the game?
Shrub Week!: Lots more plants. We love plants here at Plantlamp Games. This blog post is very...
Playing: Deadlight, which is pretty, and kind of mediocre? Like, I hugely respect the incredible artistic effort that went into the game, but...
It's tricker for some people than others. Here's the key. are you looking at her from "below" or "above"? If you're above the sillhouette, it...
I really liked 10million. I mean, I beat it and will probably never play it again, but it was a great experience iMO. Also: Been playing...
tome sure looks a lot different from when I played it last year. I had a real hard time getting into it (I'm still jaded and prefer TOME2) but...
Guys. Endless Space. Wooooooooah I love this game
No no, it's "Dungeons of Dredmor 2 3D"
I rather liked those games, personally - they were, in a sense, the start of what most people consider to be "Modern Bioware" - third person...
Haha, good ol super hexagon. I doubt I'll ever beat it but it's fun. Also: I feel bad for never getting BF3 - I think I'd like it - but maaan,...
Separate names with a comma.