Game crashed when I finished out the Clockwork Knight skilltree. Another person mentioned this issue in IRC, but with a different skilltree. It...
Another trap to add to the list of traps that cast on you instead of your enemies when they step on them: Fiery Surprise
encountered this tile today. it's impassable :o [IMG]
another list here if you are like me and have trouble with symbols....
^ as above. Try Going Rogue/Permadeath. It is hugely different from Dwarven Moderation...i've gained a new respect for the game after finally...
Noticed this for the first time because of the caltrops-- you cannot pick up traps that you yourself are standing on. However, you can pick up any...
I only get bored if I'm playing Elvishly Easy or Dwarven Moderation. On Going Rogue it is much more challenging. Maybe the other difficulties...
ah, i see. i played a little more and it did seem to be better than i initially thought.
I'm thinking of getting a cheap netbook. I don't care much about high end gaming, just as long as it can run League of Legends and Dungeons of...
Windup Doubleplus Crossbow - Perhaps a reference to the Newspeak in 1984? (doubleplusgood, etc) "Would you kindly go away" banter - Bioshock?
Not sure if this has been mentioned already-- when you use Rocket Jump (clockwork knight), the explosion hurts you and then you move. The...
fasdjfdlkas omg i cant believe i forgot this noob moment right here haha
I encountered a weird Brax shop today on DL 2. Basically, it was two rectangular rooms connected by a 1 square wide the first room,...
Several people in IRC have confirmed that acid pools do not hurt the player, but they do hurt monsters. Also, after a typo, I suggest adding in...
minor diggle - when i go to quit from the main menu, it switches to the RotDG wallpaper instead of staying at the new DLC wallpaper. Intended?
Oh, I know that how you perceive the world around you and how influential you can be is tied into your ability to change things. But there are...
As someone who focuses on social science and analyzing systems of oppression, and from a lot of personal experience, I strongly believe that there...
Maybe I am just weird but I've always really liked this room for some reason. Here's my teeny tiny vote to not kill it :(
What if th What if we just had a variation on this where traps you'd normally have a 100% chance to disarm are disarmed automatically, but for...
i like this idea. maybe you could set yes/no to Q and E? WASD to move, q and e to select popup options
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