You could.. probably make a mod that does this. I'd think.
Wasn't it on the todo at some point to have leveling a crafting skill give you free recipie(s) in that skill?
:D! The idle actually has an "intro" animation that currently doesn't play because there's no in-engine support for it yet: [IMG]
I did this wayyyyy back when I was just a wee beta tester. :D [IMG]
:dam_voltaic: MONSTER ZOO :dam_voltaic:
The amusing part of this is that Dave draws those things at something approximating the speed of light.
I :resist_existential: that this is very :dmg_hyperborean:.
When you want to melee you simply have to left click on the enemy. Right-click is for skill use.
Summons scale badly right now.... which is to say they don't scale at all. This means they're extremely powerful early game, but nigh-useless...
There is indeed a "save and continue" button when you play with permadeath off.
Known bug; Basically, if you play a tutorial and then play the main game it thinks you're still in the tutorial. The current workaround is to...
Same issue as here - see Nicholas's response.
This list is a bit out of date now. Currenly 1.0.7 is the first-edition mod support / female protagonist / balancing patch. 1.0.8 is upcoming and...
Hi there, and welcome to the forums! Glad you're enjoying the game; we've got an exciting next few weeks coming up. If you wanna chat with all...
No time to grind mode's setup that shops aren't guaranteed. I think daynab has gone 3-4 floors without seeing one.
Soon. Soooon. mwahaha. [IMG]
Fair enough. I have a different animation style to the old work, and I imagine that's a part of it. Fun fact, though; did you know that the...
This is my bad. the Aethernaut sprites are different than normal because a different artist made them, and I didn't notice they had such weird...
There is a hard level cap. It is unrelated to the number of skills you can learn. I forget what it is, exactly.
I like this idea. Perhaps (in the longer-term) titles or awards based on how one played?
Separate names with a comma.