It seems to me it might be a good idea to allow support for skill IDs being names / text. It'd help prevent conflicts, I suspect.
Uberchests are tied to levers somewhere on the floor. Flick all the levers you find and eventually all the uberchests on the floor will be unlocked.
I, personally, cannot wait until the fem-hero is released. .. :V
You're on the right track, but not -quite- correct. You want to use the argument -opengl in your launch options. This will allow fraps to hook...
I believe it's been said the leaderboards will be incorporating some sort of 'legitimacy check' in later patches. I assume they're waiting to...
Does anyone even read? It's been stated multiple times that this update changed savegame format specifically to avoid this from happening in the...
Have you checked your other crafting boxes? I think there was a beta bug that swapped around the contents of crafting boxes and it still may be...
From the SA thread: "Yes, there are plans for post-release content that may include extra levels. DLC will probably take the form of a slow,...
"Monsters: There are actually mage and ranged class monsters apparently, but it seems like they don't actually use their spells/ranged attack. In...
RE: Waiting around: It's worth noting that monsters spawn on a timer - on higher diffiuclties, faster even. So if you wait around by spacebar...
Sounds like an out-of-depth Diggle Commando.
You guys might wanna take a look at this, in particular the part about showing armor....
Separate names with a comma.