Are you on a Mac, by any chance?
Dang it. It's very annoying when the "tell us why it fails" backup plan... fails. We'll keep looking for these causes, though. If you do manage to...
Check in your game folder if there's any .dmp files relevant to your newest crashes, they'll be timestamped. Upload them here if there are.
Was there a .dmp file? Also, you could try the debug keys to go down floors and see if it lets you change floors.
It's basically a more mediocre Steam for EA games, that's about it. It's not particularly worse, but it has poor servers that don't really handle...
Just FYI, there are Steam keys for Dead Space 1, Burnout Paradise, Crysis 2, Medal of Honor and Mirror's Edge.
...Why would they release a board game with no multiplayer? That seems a weird choice.
You're not the first to mention this topic and we should do something about it at some point, at least to make keyboard and mouse consistent.
The hero sprites use the old .spr format so you'll need to use this. They can be found at C:\Program Files...
You're gonna have to take it up with the authors themselves. Most, if not all the mods on these forums have skill descriptions, but I can't speak...
I believe that's a feature, Essence of Battle will drain all your mana in a couple turns. It has some triggers after 4 or 6 turns I think.
We'll look into it. I think they're referring to the screen window not being big enough for some of the menus at the bottom left.
Nicholas looked at it, there's nothing we can do unfortunately. It looks like some kind of Steam Cloud screwup, because the level your character...
We know about the bug and it will be fixed. Thanks for the report!
It's a joke achievement. I mean yes, a few people have gotten it but when we added it in game we never thought people would want to get every...
If you use the Xenforo forum software, the solution was to upgrade to version 2.0 1.2 which just came out. If you use something else, I honestly...
I have to agree with Moom on that particular game's f2p. Though I don't really mind most f2p games these days (mind you I don't play phone ones so...
I poked Nicholas, we'll see what he says.
I've got a spare key as well to anyone interested.
I'm not entirely sure what's going on with the gnome, but vampirism doesn't trigger on vegetables.
Separate names with a comma.