Violet by Fwpornus the Sonnets of Clockworks (a boss gelatin) It was my first death by counter crit-crit. I should have known better than to...
for when you are around the corner from a bolt trap and it takes you 10-20 tries to finally get it disarmed.
Moderately annoying bug discovered: Tentacular Infestation traps will cast the debuff on you when enemy monsters step on them. I don't know if...
I am an English major. I've known what it meant since I was twelve :P
Okay-- my first impression for the item maker: It works great! A few things that might make it simpler: Instead of having it save files...
I had "The Cheese-based defenestration" once. I just imagine a giant cheese-made catapult, tossing people out of windows. The Killer of...
Will the iPad version work for iOS 5.1 as well as 5.0.1? There's a lot of users still on 5.0.1 since it's the last jailbreakable version for iPad...
That's why I like it in combo with Killer Vegan. The extra :life: saved me the first time I tried casting it one spot away on a nearby...
brb, making a Tunnel Snakes jacket. :D i really like this.
I always thought it was like, a little guy holding a spear.
ooooo. i may keep a tome in my inventory as backup then. i totally forgot that it doesn't take a turn.
I haven't seen much discussion of the skilltree on here, except one mention in a Emomancy discussion. What does everyone think of this tree? I...
The other Biker Jackets in the game have existential bonuses too. I guess because it makes you so deep and mysterious. I havent tried any modding...
i think it's the ultimate troll item, because ive seen tons of people (myself included) bring this up over and over again. if anything that makes...
Tunnel Snakes Jacket +5 :armor_asorb: +12 :block: +6 :dodge: +3 :melee_power: +2 :dmg_crushing: +5 :nimbleness: +3 :caddishness:+3 :burliness:...
That's a good point...there might be too many factors to consider all at once, especially with so many resistances and damage types and other...
One of my favorites is The Squaemous Guacamole. The word "Squaemous" just makes the guac sound extra squishy.
I think you could do it if you scaled down all of the values to match a d20 system. Traps, haywire, blocking, and other things seem like they'd...
I think the Skyrim article expresses pretty well how I feel about item weights.The same may be said for inventory space in Dredmor... Also, I...
What if there were drinks that gave :life: and :mana:? I'm thinking energy drinks, Muscle Diggle protein shakes, etc.
Separate names with a comma.