Perhaps I am really missing something obvious, but even has NWN Diamand.
Is it possible that Diamond was different where you live? I have the box right here. It lists what it has on the front cover. Neverwinter Nights...
I have a boxed copy of NWN Diamond. The servers that verify you have legitimate keys are dead as door-knobs. I will say no more. (Take that as a...
Yuck. That is plainly awful. No like from me for once.
I have seen many examples of simple tool use from common animals. My cats of the past learned to turn on the water so they could drink from the...
It's an 'effing MMO? Damnit! Alright. Ignore my little bit about that.
I agree with mining. That is the long-term solution. If I did not already have a Dropbox account, I would gladly help with that bandage though....
Wow. This really took off. I cannot disagree with anyone here, save about the Golden Key junk in Borderlands 2. I wholeheartedly agree that New...
I lack the authority to delete the topic itself. If it is too controversial, please feel free to lock and/or delete it at will. I just figured...
No worries Althea, I will give you a generic Kazeto point... "Get some sleep." :D :p
This topic is purely to discuss DLC for any and all games. What do you like, and what do you think is pure cheese? Hopefully if we make it clear...
Sorry, but what points do you disagree with? I think you just said what I said in different words. Clearly one of us is not understanding the...
Nice. Not Spam as far as I can tell. The site seems reasonable too. Welcome to our little den of depravity. :)
Bethesda? Sorry. :( (I know what word you mean, and am editing it out right now.) *Edit* I moved one letter, and besides looking like I am...
I cannot disagree with you on that Althea. I tend to think of Horse Armor as the example of how to do things wrong for all time. Bethesda may have...
Horse Armor. 'Nuff said. :D
The problem as I see it is that there is no set in stone plan for those 22 classes. They could be plainly awful and only added to satisfy the...
I never mentioned Apple. And what devices and software you use is your choice. I just went on a rant about VLC and why I love them so much. :)
That sign is likely far too accurate. :D
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