Hi, we're looking into this. You're not the first person to report the issue, but unfortunately we have yet to find out just what the heck is...
I see him on Steam most days, I'll ask him.
It's not normal, but unfortunately can happen in the old version. Give the beta version a try....
Ah, okay. I was under the impression it would be implemented by now. Haldurson - if it's still free, you could just switch servers assuming...
I stopped playing a month after release but wasn't guesting supposed to be a one-click type of thing, did they never implement it? Because the...
Yeah, from what I understand you wouldn't be able to bring them experience (influence is experience) if you played on another server, and you...
http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Guild "Guild membership is not limited to a single world — a guild can have members from any server, whether in...
One thing to note: if the guilds asked you to move servers, they were dumb (unless they were a pvp guild) because in GW2, everything is cross...
Yeah my main is a dual wield claw shadow, all I can tell you is don't miss the life and defensive nodes as you'll need them.
I've kind of stopped playing, but mainly because I was busy with other things. I'll get back to it shortly.
Short answer: no, and nothing, basically. That stuff is hardcoded, unfortunately.
That'll do, Omni. Take a break from posting for a while. As for everyone else, carry on bookchat.
I believe this is intended, but I'm not sure.
It's definitely faulty mod items. Which, I don't know, but that's not one of the game files.
Unicorns, maybe. I don't trust them. Why would they have horns, except to stab you?
I've played LOTRO for about 3 years, starting from beta. It'll probably remain my fondest memories of playing an mmo, but the game as it is today...
Yeah we really could do without the random godwins.
Sweet, glad to hear it Godwin!
It's basically that we released the version for Steam for Linux while our patch was halfway done - it's weird.
Separate names with a comma.