I guarantee that when people read 1984 that they are not thinking "Wow, this was the very first story about a dystopian society. What they are...
It's a different story -- yes it influenced Orwell, but so did what was happening in the UK at the time. It's two totally different takes on the...
[IMG] That's a tiny picture of my Dad when he was a very young man. Technically, he was too small to be an MP, at least according to...
There are certain movies and books like that, which, on the one hand, are incredibly good, or important, so I'm glad to have seen or read them....
I watched a "Let's Play" of "Skyward Collapse" and it looked sufficiently interesting so I just picked it up. I've been playing the tutorial and...
I picked evil chests, but I actually get good items also via stealing, plus one method you did not mention: Mysterious Portals. It's not...
Just so you know, a boss spawned on level 3 in a zoo that seemed to be invulnerable to all damage types I could dish out, except for Existential....
And I also found this: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/entertainment-arts-22079232
I finally received my "Blake's 7" DVDs. I was a bit confused since the boxes were in Dutch (I think), but the DVDs were in English (but with...
The comments that I've seen talk about how buggy it is, and how unstable it is. I haven't gotten far enough into the game to see any specific...
Because I was an early purchaser of Elemental, I received a free copy of "Fallen Enchantress: Legendary Heroes". Even though I've been...
Frasier was fairly good -- not one of my favorites, but not bad. The irony of it was that many people didn't like the show because they thought...
Ooh, look what I just found! The full version of "The Lathe of Heaven" (I was just looking for an excerpt from the film). [media] Also... The...
I'll list some really good television shows here -- I can't necessarily tell you where you can go to see them, you may have to actually pay money...
This isn't a recommendation or anything. But I've been trying to get a hold of an old British SF series on DVD, and have run into some...
Was she attacked on stage in the middle of pole-dancing? <Note to self- just had a great idea for a movie! Kung-Fu Pole-dancers!>
It's better if you watch them in order, but not 100% necessary (just recommended). Some storylines span multiple episodes, and when they are...
1984 WAS pretty depressing, but I found "Fahrenheit 451" to be inspiring -- it's really a tribute to literature and freedom in many ways. It...
From YouTube: [media] [media] [media]
I love hard SF, but it's not the only kind of SF that I read. The trends in SF keep changing, and Hard SF becomes more or less in vogue at...
Separate names with a comma.