I was mistaken. I never bought nor used Whey anything. It was Soy Lecithin. And I was not using it for protein either. I was using it as a...
When they get done with Clockwork Empires, they can probably be nudged in the general direction of this. I think it would work well as an...
Stinky Tofu. That stuff is an abomination. It is right up there with "Fish Sauce" that is sold at most Asian Markets. If you doubt how awful this...
Engi is my favorite so far. I love those drones. I felt sad when I played the federation ship after winning with the Engi ship. Only two drone...
White bread. Yuck. That stuff is not even edible. When you apply that much chlorine to wheat, you manage to strip it of all real nutritional...
So, with that handled, how shall we wreck the giants day? Flingy has those unholy Wildfire vials ready to go. But I think we may want to hold off...
You win Kazeto! :D We may want to offer some details on DagglePlusPlus character, just for the people not actually playing, but who do read...
I tried to help on this subject, but I have not used a Mac in ages. The last time I did it was years before OSX came out. So I have no idea where...
It does not seem to work in Debug Mode. I tried exactly that. I also tried dropping it in pretty much every item sized area of the screen while...
A friend of mine let me play her copy for a day. That is those three games you see in the image I posted above. I still intend to buy the game. I...
It is the price we pay for having the newest mods. That is why the saves in he last few versions included a copy of the mods loaded, and did not...
I have one more thing. I *Always* play with Debug Mode. So I have *NEVER* encrusted anything. Either this function does not work in Debug Mode, or...
Wow. Just... Wow. And it was mentioned that Coper toxicity causes a certain problem that sounds right inline with this ^^: I wonder if you...
I have eaten kilograms of whey protein powder. It is good really. Other forms may not be, but the type I used to buy was lightly tan in color and...
We have a thread for those too. :D
Now we just need to get a quick and dirty version that can be applied via foods and drinks. I am a believer that stupid people should never breed,...
This is just a copy and overwrite for the existing files. Note that these are *NOT* ready for prime time. When they are, I honestly expect they...
Separate names with a comma.