Maybe the werediggle skill tree would help? Since it gives piercing damage. The extra regen would be wasted though.
I've found that I often have a pretty big zorkmid shortage early game if I keep sending all of the artifacts I find for XP. Like, a serious...
Hmmm. What if we had like, a system which countes stacking levels of Thaumite infestation? Maybe up to 5 levels, each one dealing more effects or...
Whoa, so it has to be unresisted to count? That makes it three times as hard.
Am I the only person who thinks thaumites are really cute? Maybe we should have a tree based on them. Description: Something about how you are a...
hmm? do you mean the sword started spawning thaumites on enemies? Because that would be completely awesome.
I think it's a testament to how deep and full of content this game is that I've seen people ask this question several times now. Kind of like how...
oh my god this is going to turn into me playing The Binding of Isaac all over again. Gambling for ages in the hopes of winning the jackpot... It...
Hi! Um, I'm not actually a muffin in real life. I'm a 21 year old college student from Kentucky, studying English and Women & Gender Studies. I...
^ I was about to say something like that. Maybe just shrines where you can buy stat points or other bonuses (for very high prices, like 10,000 a...
I second this idea.
I've heard that if you craft an item that has enchants on it, they don't carry over onto the new item :( I got a Wizard's Sleeve as a quest...
I feel like smashing destructables and tearing down dungeon walls should add points to this favor system. KRONG IS PLEASED WITH YOUR SMASHING. +...
The Diggler: This very annoying, very squeaky mace-thing was taken from your best friend's pet. (image is a diggle drillhead on a stick) I...
The Essential DoD Core Skill Rebalance mod takes out some of the steps for that, removing spores entirely and changing it into a spell you cast on...
I am definitely not a programmer, so first of all-- how easy/hard is it to mod dredmor for someone with no previous experience? Secondly, I have...
Just wanted to say that I really enjoy this mod, particularly the quirkiness (super long dredmor table, hall of garlics, donut and booze...
Ahhhh, I forget about this since I tend not to do alchemy. Maybe if you merged the items into some other items then?
Another (possibly extreme) suggestion for reducing inventory clutter: -remove one of the tiers of meats and one of the junk meats, too -cut...
i would like to see this :)
Separate names with a comma.