Yeah, this is how I feel about it. There is no good reason not to include more space when the player can simply backtrack to a shop at no penalty...
I think the problem is partly the non-scaling lifesteal, but mostly because eating corpses is way too weak. On Rogue difficulty, 4hp is nothing--...
I had a build like this a few days ago. Werediggle + magic circle was ridiculous. Tons of magic resistance + damage resistance.
With the inclusion of a lot of new markers, the minimap has gotten quite crowded. I think it might be time to completely redo it...right now, it...
I think it's mostly just to challenge the player. Havent found chests but there are usually really good items just waiting around on the floor.
one thing that might help is to remove that 1 point/turn cap. it is basically useless after floor 10. if you could regenerate 2-3 a turn...
I think it would be helpful visually to have items color-coded. Not like, total recolors. Just give each item type a different color background....
noticed a few threads on this, so let's vote! also, you can choose more than one option here.
With the most recent patch, Dredmor now has a system which allows for scripted rooms. So let's make up some ideas. They don't have to be the...
i like this idea. a belt of cheeses, belt of throwing items, quiver of arrows, utility belt of traps and other doodads...
i still have 5 copies of the DLC. will be giving them away on Steam Gifts if no one claims them by Christmas.
This has happened to me before. I hate that item! >:O I tried to do my own defense heavy build today, but I think i am missing something. It was...
This is a pretty minor, not-gamebreaking bug, but i thought it might be good to look at-- whenever I press the volume down button on my laptop, it...
Sparkling Glove and Denim Coat with Rhinestones have it. IIRC it's Magic Reflection.
If you have the no damage ones, the rest is pretty easy. You just have to get every item at least once and fill in a few other odds and ends.
The way i see it, this means that more people get to enjoy a really fun game.
add me to your friends! I have a present for you. Will be giving away 5 copies of the DLC today to anyone else who is interested.
75% off of the base game and the DLC-- $1.24 for the base game, $0.74 for the DLC. Go buy copies for friends!
That is what I was thinking of. I love DD. Although, it is more puzzle-like than rogue-like sometimes.
I finally beat Dredmor for the first time a few days ago, and I was disappointed to find that all of his insults were the same as the regular...
Separate names with a comma.