Fair enough. I just voted for Fax. Or did I vote for the Hat God? :confused:
One major advantage you may be overlooking is that with lower :dmg_crushing: and :dmg_slashing:, there is a very high chance of dumping huge...
I suppose I cannot escape that reasoning, but there are times that Dropbox betrays details you would really wish were kept private. My real-life...
Both Vlad and Dredmor can reliably be pounded by whatever means you like. And even one Kronged point of :dmg_righteous: gets you no less than 11...
My current cat would object badly to that Kazeto. Here, it is high time I spammed one of his videos again. :D...
Really, since you already have made proper mods, you probably could do a better job with it than I did. Note that the current version available is...
When I was last banned, I was unable to update my mods, nor even check threads with my logged in browser. So I used a portable Firefox build. I...
Try Nethack for a few years. (I did, and look what it did to me!) Tutorials for complex games often are worthless. You simply have to attempt...
Onie, I think you are pretty much screwed. Sorry. If you cannot really hurt him there is no ... "But wait, he is ticklish! He dies in one hit...
I thought my previous handle was direct Latin. Nicholas however knows better. (I dare not ask where he found the information he referenced, since...
If you can avoid abusing the absolute cheat features of it, this one works perfectly and has zero conflicts I have been able to find....
Lol. Do not be sorry. I for one am glad this is the case. I could tell you some stories that would make you have to really fight calling me a...
Whatever school you attended, I want to go there. That sounds fucking awesome. (Like an LSD trip was your entire history class? But then again,...
I am tempted to make a "Hippo Spray" mod for Steam workshop just to show that people *There* clearly want terrible shit. Your feedback here is...
Excuse me while I vomit repeatedly.
Ra knocks back. The others I think are not capable of this. Turn the rest off and try. Drop any one item on the ground and walk a step back from...
Sadly this is a Steam side issue only. If you can show any sort of clear proof to the devs at Gaslamp, I am willing to bet they can help you out...
I think this answers your question as a yes. http://community.gaslampgames.com/threads/not-sure-if-this-is-a-bug-or-a-feature.3949/#post-45083
100% historically accurate? WTF? Shooting Buffalo with Rockets from a horse driven wagon in the wild west? Yeah. Upvoted for lols. :D
Yes, I once had another username. I was asked to change. Since it was a kind and well researched request, I capitulated.
Separate names with a comma.