Nope. They are Robotic-Pirate-Thrusty-Diggles. And they are squid too. Why not? :D So it's Robotic Thrusty-Diggle-Squid dressed as Pirates?...
Pirate robo-thrustie diggles? Ouch. My brain hurts from thinking of that mess.
Coincidental my ass... NO! NOT THE SQUID!!! :D
Well... Yes. I suppose I am. Nah. I just spam likes very very fast. It is a special talent. I just now noticed the edit while looking for more...
I will amend the OP to mandate a long winded story every once in a while if I must. :D I for one like reading the stories too.
I count on my fingers! :D :D :D No rounding!
Are you doing mathematics in another base? Or have you been too stressed recently? :p (I hate mathematics. I have no idea what you are even saying.)
Yes. What version. Feel free to come chat me up in a PM if you would rather keep it quiet. I freely admit that I use a pirated copy to bypass some...
What OS? And what Distro of the game? Presuming Windows as the OS, and Steam or Desura as the distro, click start and run. Type "cmd" to open a...
There is the Atheist Monk mod. That could probably be classed as a philosophical mod more than most could. There was once a Sheriff in the world...
This one? Or the musical timing game by the same name?
Just to be the technicality nazi, Rogue was the name of the specific game that all Roguelikes are called that because of. :D As you were. :)
He could make a nearly infinite amount of money from elderly and sick people who want to live forever. Sell them hope in cryogenics. :D
Now I have no choice but to post this one... I was actually not going to since it could start a political argument or ten... [ATTACH] *Edit*...
I would pay good money for the original Saints Row 1 to be ported to the PC in a quality engine. But Saints Row 2 and 3 are some seriously fun...
Do not extract. And put it in the mods subdirectory of the DoD example user path Vitellozzo specified or whatever is correct for your OS if not...
I applied modded firmware to my Xbox 360 before I gave it away. But that required me to break the seals and voids the warranty. MS wants people to...
Travel to future, buy stock information for the last few decades. Travel back. Any questions? :D (Insert trollface.jpg here.)
I thank you, but I find English needs no new additions. What good is a language if the meaning of every other word is changed on a whim every few...
I am not a Bible thumper, but I am a dictionary thumper. That word never meant that.... And I am not entirely offended by the newspaper, but I...
Separate names with a comma.