Thanks for the reports. I believe 2 is fixed in the most recent beta, I'm not sure why number 5 is happening for you, give the most recent beta...
1: This is deliberate, they didn't want a hunger mechanic, and to tie food to regen. The health regen debate has been running since the game was...
We'll take a look at them, thanks for the report.
I don't want to have to close this thread, so please stay on topic people. Thanks.
Welcome to the forums! I don't think (though I might be wrong) that you can add a passive experience gain. Also is number 4 really what I think it...
Fixed as off the most recent beta (as far as I know from two other modders) try it out....
We'll take a look at it, thanks for the save!
If you have such a link, PM this to me as I don't recall ever seeing something like this either - and it wouldn't stand on my watch.
I think your link is broken ;)
Sure, make a thread and I'll sticky it if you want.
Might as well ask it outright: through what platform did you buy it? Steam, HiB, Desura?
They said they could save properly though the saves are somewhere. FurryDragon, are you the only user on this computer?
I like blue chimpanzees
...what? nothing is at it should be, those files shouldn't be there, and even if you had somehow installed it there it's missing all the folders...
documents/gaslamp games/dungeons of dredmor/
Known bug, just low priority.
Or it just didn't create, it happens. Sorry FurryDragon, can you check if dying again crashes you everytime? if so, then save before you die and...
Intended. For... just the reasons you mentioned, so that you can't run away, heal up and still get the reward. (It happens if you go downstairs or...
Check your game folder (steamapps/common/dungeons of dredmor/) and see if it created a .dmp file with the appropriate timestamp. If so please...
Separate names with a comma.