Save before you level up and see if you can get one that reliably crashes. This is one of the bugs that we've chased for a l0ng time but never...
Hi, so some of you may know but I'm studying in web development/web design (but more coding than design lately). I thought it might be some good...
If the rest of the mods are working, I don't see why this would be happening.
At some point yeah.
The single player campaign will be completely free (and supposedly really, really long). They have talked about selling additional adventures and...
I can't answer all your questions because I don't really delve in modding but: SPR files are an old proprietary format that isn't used anymore,...
Regarding Secrets of Grindea this was definitely one I was looking for already. The one I'm probably looking most forward to right now is Card...
And on that note, closing this. Feel free to continue the discussion thru PMs.
I dunno, ever since I bought a real computer chair it feels like heaven sitting here. Unfortunately I have long forgotten what the brand of it is :p
Glad to have you back, Aquaman.
I agree with Loren.
Shameless advertising given that you registered to post this, and that you do this on other sites, but it looks like a neat game so I'll keep the...
That was kind of the point to my link though? The integrated ones are performing only half to some of the worst GPUs.
I don't have much to suggest other than reinstalling, you're the first one to report this as far as I know.
This is the first time I hear about this, so I don't have much to suggest other than what Vitellozzo said.
I don't know if it's any related (I don't think so) but the proper mod zip packaging is to put the folders directly inside the zip, not in another...
I looked a little into it (the onboard graphics) and it's still not very promising. This page shows fps benchmarks using the integrated HD 2000...
i3 is perfectly fine for what you do, but onboard graphics is generally a bad idea (though this may have changed with the latest nvidia...
That's incredibly weird. What I would do is open the game in debug mode (in steam launch options put "-debug-flag" with no quotations. If you're...
I tried single letter hell (since it doesn't matter what you put in anyway) and didn't crash with his save.
Separate names with a comma.