I extremely hated NWN2 but that's because of how horrible the camera and UI was. I cannot stand a bad UI.
Lots of info about Clockwork Empires (check the blog and go back through blog entries), that's about it. Well, that and lots of modding...
I bought http://www.newegg.ca/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16822178116 a couple weeks ago. Had no issues with it and it's really fast. 2TB, USB3...
All the nations I know about so far are fictional but obviously inspired by real nations.
It's strange that CotW appears only partially - but graffitis indicate that it should be working, yes. However, due to the way it's setup you...
If both of you don't mind trying a patch that isn't out yet, give http://patches.gaslampgames.com/dredmor/dredmor_113_test1.zip a try. Overwrite...
Not a "bundle" site, but it's a new site with a pay what you want indie game every 4 days - https://indiegamestand.com/ Good games so far too.
This bug is so ancient that I had to look if it was on our most recent tracker. It wasn't. Now it is, thanks!
O mod tools, where art thou? :(
We'll take a look at it. Thanks for the save.
You can edit your posts, you know.
What version are you on? PS: The monster zoo thing is intended.
And it isn't the only thing (I'm sure it was mentioned before in the thread though) [IMG] [IMG]
I don't want to discourage you man, but learning C++ (any programming language but even more C++) is orders of magnitude more difficult than...
Apparently it's not updated on Gamefly - Nicholas said he will prod them and see what's up - will get back to you when we hear what's going on....
The whole system isn't very elegant, but I'm not sure what you mean by this, exactly. If you take a look at the mod index you'll see close to a...
Through which way have you bought DoD? I'm reasonably sure that Desura has the latest patch, though you may need to redownload it? not sure how it...
It's only coming out in 2014, don't worry about it.
A lot of things have definitely been learned, there's many causes for this. They're going to take the knowledge to Clockwork Empires, which will...
Tis not a rumor, it's the official stance that the UI is a mess :p
Separate names with a comma.