They said Paypal counted (and they got over 4m with it) my last email from them (kinda long): Cool of them to have a non DRM option, though I'd...
I'm not sure why you would get reverting if you have the cloud turned off :/ As for the debug mode, yes, right click your game in the Steam...
As I mentioned in the other thread, these things are hardcoded, sorry.
Relax, everyone. Both of these things are not moddable.
Another quick youtube thing -, basically brings youtube classic back, much lighter website etc. Pretty neat....
Nobody uses bitcoin anymore, Omni. And even when it was used, it was a tiny amount of people.
Added Sentient Suit, Craft'n Smelt, Paradimensional items and wordsmith, Leprechaun, Cheese Potions, and Avathacis' Quick Fixes
Sorry man, those were my only ideas, all I can say is it sounds like some kind of hardware problem but I don't know what. Windows 7 is quick even...
I'm pretty sure he's not going for fully realistic physics - that would not be fun to fly even if it was possible.
If windows 7 is installed on the SSD, have you set your bios to AHCI before installing, as seen here?
Have you installed the mobo's network/ethernet drivers? Normally they're not needed but it might help in your case. I really don't see why this...
Upload a save of the issue, please.
I was going to post a thread about this sometimes if nobody had :) Looks very - extremely - promising, too much, almost that I choose to remain...
Oh man I just remembered a game that I shamefully forgot to mention - Xenoblade Chronicles I would consider it the best JRPG of all time...
Big n64 game fan here as well, especially zelda. Strangely my favorite zelda game though is probably Minish Cap on the GBA, then OoT.
As far as I know it's a log of what happened, I haven't personally looked at one so can't give examples. And yeah, it sounds as if that got...
Nicholas mentioned trains before. Trains with guns on them. Trainguns (guntrains?)
I've never heard about the duplicate thing before. Really really strange. Okay go to documents/gaslamp games/dungeons of dredmor/ and open...
Play without Steam (through the exe) and it won't overwrite with a new save, but it's possible that it got corrupted while crashing, in which case...
Olaf, seeing his suggestion blatantly ignored mutters to himself: "Welp, so much for that. Maybe I can still salvage this." He focuses on the...
Separate names with a comma.