I'm agnostic also, but that's really irrelevant. And yes, I believe it was Godel who claimed (proved?) that there are things which are unknowable....
It is possible, via logic and reasoning though, to determine truth beyond what is directly observable, given facts. You MIGHT be able to say that...
I wish I could remember the conversation, but this is going back over 30 years or so. I had a roommate who was a chemical engineering student and...
I haven't had any particular major issues (some minor ones, particularly with some mods) since I disabled the Steam Cloud. Nowadays, when I do...
While I'd love to get an invite, the odds are not in my favor. So if anyone does get an invite, and the NDA permits you to do so, I'd love to...
Hey, at least there's no carnivorous asparagus in the game. I think I would follow Omni's example if they ever decide to include that (or...
I thought that 3 was flawed in a number of ways -- didn't see it as a prototype, just a game following the Civ formula, but with a new idea or two...
I've played a variety of dungeon board games of varying quality. I have one or two card based ones that I've not actually tried, though. This...
All of the Civ games are VERY good -- most are considered classics. 5 (well at least 2012's expansion, "Gods and Kings") was considered for game...
Good suggestions. Robin Williams, despite some not-so-great roles, has done some really good stuff. In addition to the movies you mentioned, I'd...
This evening, after I purchased my new watch, I went to see "Django Unchained". I really enjoyed the movie. If you like Quentin Tarantino at...
I finally bought a watch this evening -- here's the same watch at Amazon:...
I guess if I spent a lot of time in the water, I'd get myself one of those LCD diving watches -- practicality trumps looks most of the time. But I...
Only 3 days left on the Kickstarter for Elite Dangerous, one of my personal favorite projects. They are VERY close, but not quite there. I'm...
Definitely not uneventful here, for the past two years at least. Sometimes it's really hard to appreciate how good boredom can be while you have it.
Tyne Daly and Sharon Gless -- they're both emmy and golden globe award-winning actresses, mostly known for Cagney and Lacey. I know Tyne Daly...
The Civ music that I posted made me think of movie music, for a lot of reasons -- that particular piece reminds me of Lawrence of Arabia my...
I have to say that 90 to 99% of the time, I end up turning off the music in most PC games within 2 minutes of starting to play that game. There...
You sure they didn't just hire him to revive the Russian space program?
Separate names with a comma.