This would be awesome. (Though it turns out that very large creatures are a pain due to pathing and some Other Stuff.) Still, we have assets...
I'm going to say, without officially using the word "officially", that you can cut & paste stuff from whatever PDF you may happen to find lying...
Awesome, glad to hear!
Confirmed purchase, you *should* receive another email from Humble. If there's any problem, please PM me.
And it's ticket code is OC-1570, for the record.
It's basically Sharks vs. Jets, but the Invisible Order of The Black Monolith vs. The Unseen Siblinghood of Her Thousand All-Consuming Jaws.
(It's to approximate the brewing step before distillation. It's not entirely Historically Accurate, but it's a Good Enough approximation and it...
Pipes & Things: Dynamic lines are still a thing, but they're not in right now. Old Concept Art: Those old concept art pieces are from almost...
I will also note, for the record:
Damnit Nicholas, you really need to read that thing.
This is the start of a mini-manual for Clockwork Empires. It discusses the UI elements in detail (though it is not quite comprehensive) as well as...
Hmm. I guess food tells its nutritional value in the tooltip, but this doesn't mean anything except what the relative value of food is to other...
I'm working on getting a more comprehensive "mini-manual" together, should be up later today. I wrote it like two weeks ago and a few things are...
re. the Steam overlay: Oh man, that. The lower right is such an obvious place to put the last thing one reads on a page, too. I remember having...
Check out this quickstart guide: ;...
* * * Welcome to The Colonies, bureaucrat! The Empire salutes your dedication to Progress. If you are experiencing horrifying errors please get...
I'm going to post a draft start of a manual sometime today, should cover some of these questions!
Derek is on it! Edit: Thanks for bringing this to our attention.
*adds Aristocratic Bandits to a list*
You can still be upper class and penniless; god forbid you sully yourself with work. And, worse, work for payment. It'd be so low.
Separate names with a comma.