This is great stuff, thx! Promised I'd get Derek a first pass of content for end of today, so ... doing that. But we can always add more answers...
Hello! I'm going to be setting up a Clockwork Empires FAQ for people who don't really know what the game is about. I mean, I imagine you guys are...
Oh hey, I did a tiny amount of UI art for that game like a billion (5-6) years ago! (Edit: It was nothing interesting that would be especially...
Damnit Nicholas. Right. That statement is not an official Gaslamp Games blah blah blah. Besides, WHO RUN ART TOWN?
Did we? Pretty sure we just made vague not-sure-if-serious type remarks and didn't actually give a straight answer, as is The Gaslamp Way.
I mean: to have proper perspective on a project requires some years of emotional distance from it, and time in general to appreciate the context...
I went with animation timing. Sorry. (My honest opinion is that it is Too Soon to do a proper Dredmor postmortem.) Biomes are cool and we've got...
So it was fun answering Loerwyn's request on that blog post the other week -- anyone else got any requests for blog post subjects? I'll note that...
To offer my bit on Spore, I think the problem is that the (amazing, astounding) simulation and procedural generation basically didn't matter. All...
Hey, I'll join in. For one, we're not owned by EA and subject to the whims of their executive meddling and artistically conservative...
Hid a bunch of off-topic bickering and personal attacks, locked thread. Fruit and Moglus: Stop talking to each other, it's not useful. Don't do...
Well, some bugs are easy to fix, some are hard. Some features have been 'coming down the pipeline' for a while and ought to be resolved, some...
.... answer: probably the latter.
(And convenient when there are absolutely zero art requirements, grumble grumble.)
Our heads were removed from our bodies then our brains removed from out heads, the memories erased, and then our brains put back in our heads and...
(I realized that the Carpentry Workshop is only set up to make planks right now; having only one output product means I couldn't show how the...
Would it work if you (you as in the fans in general) told us about these key features we ought to have that might be missed by way of Early...
> I'm just curious if there will be storage buildings you can build to store goods in instead of just on the ground ... As Armadilo said, we do...
What Daynab said. Gaslamp Games pays for hosting this forum. We're not interested in, essentially, paying for a billboard for anyone to write...
:D Costs scale, just price isn't updated in real-time (should be); Size should have reasonable min and max, though lots of leeway.
Separate names with a comma.